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A new age of user-repaired devices
From Putting People First

A new age of user-repaired devices

iFixit launched today today a

Better tech docs through social networking
From Putting People First

Better tech docs through social networking

The social networking phenomenon has ushered in a shift in mindset that, in turn, has driven people to become actively engaged in generating their own content and...

A Report from the Visions and Grand Challenges Conferences
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

A Report from the Visions and Grand Challenges Conferences

Your faithful correspondent recently attended the paired ACM-BCS Visions of Computer Science 2010 and UKCRC Grand Challenges conferences at Edinburgh University...

Hyper Realism
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hyper Realism

Intriguing Wired report on a new faster graphics methodology that directly utilizes voxels, the 3D equivalent of pixels. Look forward to the possibilities for their...

April 2010 issue of Boxes and Arrows
From Putting People First

April 2010 issue of Boxes and Arrows

The April issue of Boxes and Arrows is recommended reading: Designing for social interaction – strong, weak and temporary ties by Paul Adams, senior UX researcher...

links for 2010-04-22
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-04-22 Releases Open Source Code Delighted to see Obama's White House releasing their work as open source – way to go. (tags: Obama OpenSource FOSS USA...

US Imagine Cup Finals This Weekend
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

US Imagine Cup Finals This Weekend

Today I have a presentation to give around mid-day and then I go  home to pack for a trip to Washington DC for the US finals of the Imagine Cup. Ironically last...

NIST on Protecting Personally Identifiable Information
From Schneier on Security

NIST on Protecting Personally Identifiable Information

Just published: Special Publication (SP) 800-122, "Guide to Protecting the Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)." It's 60 pages long; I...

From Computational Complexity

P and NP: A Short Movie

YouTube Link

Visa to Buy Cybersource
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visa to Buy Cybersource

In StorefrontBacktalk: Visa buys more than a security company for 2 billion. Comments on its being more than just a security company play. See also Cybersource's...

Total Engagement via Games
From The Eponymous Pickle

Total Engagement via Games

Although published late last year, this book was recently brought to my attention: Total Engagement: Using Games and Virtual Worlds to Change the Way People Work...

Do Your Knowledge Workers Have a Bitsmith?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Do Your Knowledge Workers Have a Bitsmith?

In HBR: The concept of a bitsmith for knowledge workers. An area of particular interest to me of late: " ... Along with my colleagues Jeff Hesse and Terry Holliday...

Ensuring Clean, Consistent Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ensuring Clean, Consistent Data

A TDWI / SAS Paper on ensuring clean, consistent data. I have just been involved in a project where this could have saved us much money and time. Read it.

Security Fog
From Schneier on Security

Security Fog

An odd burglary prevention tool: If a burglar breaks in, the system floods the business with a dense fog similar to what's used in theaters and nightclubs. An...

Dealing with Competance Issues
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Dealing with Competance Issues

Engaging every student in computer science is a goal we all share. We label it diversity and know it is critical to a balanced industry and a competitive country...

From Computational Complexity

Is there a pangramic palindrome?

Pangrams are sentences that contain every letter of the alphabet. The classic is The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog. There are more here. Palindromes...

Seeking the Brain's True Capacity
From The Eponymous Pickle

Seeking the Brain's True Capacity

A short article in New Scientist. In computing we have precise measures of how much storage exists. In the brain, neither the method of storage nor how much room...

links for 2010-04-21
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-04-21

Tech companies fear implications of trade pact It's good to see press coverage starting to appear about ACTA – hopefully the release of the current draft today...

Personal Code Ink
From Schneier on Security

Personal Code Ink

Remember SmartWater: liquid imbued with a uniquely identifiable DNA-style code? Well, Mont Blanc is selling a pen with uniquely identifiable ink.

New Silverlight 4 Training Kit Available
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

New Silverlight 4 Training Kit Available

  Microsoft has just released a new free Silverlight 4 Training Kit that walks you through building business applications with Silverlight 4. You can also download...
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