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Breaking in to Hotel Rooms
From Schneier on Security

Breaking in to Hotel Rooms

Is this how the al-Mabhouh assassins got in?

links for 2010-03-01
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-03-01

BBC blocks open source software from iPlayer video service This is a very sad development from the UK's public service broadcaster...

From Putting People First


Many videos of the Interaction10 conference are now online. Here are the one of the speakers mentioned in the recent review by Experientia partner Jan-Christoph...

Interesting Links 1 March 2010
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 1 March 2010

Is it March that comes in like a lion and out like a lamb? Well up here in New Hampshire February left like a lion. At one point Thursday some 40% of the state...

From The Eponymous Pickle


A friend recommended the Posterous package some time ago. It's a quick and easy way to set up a blog from email and mobile. I will not be replacing this blog, but...

Smartphones and PCs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smartphones and PCs

Post and discussion about how Smartphones will displace PCs. I agree, if I can project from my smartphone when it is needed, and have a means for rapid text entry...

Math Models for Solving Crimes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Math Models for Solving Crimes

From recent predictive modeling advances: " ... Most crime happens somewhere familiar to the criminal. Burglars return to the scenes of a crime to replicate the...

Tableau Examples Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tableau Examples Blog

A blog of Tableau examples. For example, constructing radial charts.-

Teaching Computer Science in High School
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Teaching Computer Science in High School

Continuing on the theme of excellence in education, I would like to briefly reflect on teaching computer science in Ontario high schools. I have to point out that...

You Can
From The Noisy Channel

You Can

Lately, I’ve been musing about the Herb Simon quote that launched–or at least popularized–the concepts of information overload and attention economics: in an information...

links for 2010-02-28
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-02-28

U.K. bill would 'outlaw open Wi-Fi' At a recent debate in the House of Lords on the Digital Economy Bill, a number of amendments...

New media and its superpowers
From Putting People First

New media and its superpowers

Mimi Ito, cultural anthropologist and associate researcher at the University of California Humanities Research Institute, co-led a MacArthur Foundation-funded three...

When American and European ideas of privacy collide
From Putting People First

When American and European ideas of privacy collide

An Italian ruling against Google highlights the clash between Europe

New Songdo City, South Korea
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Songdo City, South Korea

Regret I cannot attend this call. I have been pitched a number of these 'smart cities' and related ideas during my connection with innovation centers. All intriguing...

Augmented Maps
From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmented Maps

Ted talk on augmented maps in Bing from the Snapdragon developer and how it includes Twitter, Flickr and other geolocated blog content Have not taken a look at...

Blog Moved
From Wild WebMink

Blog Moved

A reminder: If you are following me here on, please change your bookmarks and feeds to read instead, as I have moved all my blogging...

links for 2010-02-27
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-02-27

Europe 'will not accept' three strikes in Acta treaty While this is all good, it is not sufficient as ACTA will address far more...

Being Investigated?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Being Investigated?

My former colleague John Sopko has published a paper from the Washington Legal Foundation titled

NASA Be A Martian Pathfinder Innovation Challenge
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

NASA Be A Martian Pathfinder Innovation Challenge

Back last November I posted a short link to NASA

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Homophone Lessons
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Homophone Lessons

Squids make great examples.
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