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From Computational Complexity

Knuth Prize for 2009: David Johnson

Dave Johnson Won the KNUTH PRIZE for 2009: click here I can't add much to the article linked to except to say that it is well deserved. The Wikipedia entry...

Mobile Apps Changing Retail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mobile Apps Changing Retail

A good set of examples in Adage of smartphone Apps that could change retail. Nice breadth of examples, all worth a look, though I would add others. There is still...

UK innovation policy should refocus on customers
From Putting People First

UK innovation policy should refocus on customers

UK Government innovation policy should be refocused to reflect the crucial role played by customers in stimulating and funding the development of new hi-tech companies...

Teaching Bloom Filters
From My Biased Coin

Teaching Bloom Filters

As I finished my lecture today for my undergraduate algorithms and data structures course, after spending about half an hour explaining Bloom filters and what they...

What Facebook will Reveal about You
From The Eponymous Pickle

What Facebook will Reveal about You

I used to advise people in the early days of the Web about the dangers of revealing too much online. Things have gone far beyond those early days, but it is always...

Digital Coupon Use Beats Newspapers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Coupon Use Beats Newspapers

In Mediapost an intriguing post that further confirms the advance of the digital coupon. ' ... says the report, redemption values on its digital offering outstripped...

Apps for the Army Challenge
From The Eponymous Pickle

Apps for the Army Challenge

I worked for the DOD at the Pentagon years ago, they were a very innovative group, its good to see this kind of collaborative work going on. On Apps for the Army...

Optimizing Your Enterprise
From The Eponymous Pickle

Optimizing Your Enterprise

The current Baseline Mag has a lengthy article on Business intelligence and analytics, with some useful integrated case studies. ' ... In a world that

More on the Al-Madhouh Assassination
From Schneier on Security

More on the Al-Madhouh Assassination

Interesting essay by a former CIA field officer on the al-Mabhouh assassination: The truth is that Mr. Mabhouh's assassination was conducted according to the book...

Say That Again in English
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Say That Again in English

One of the first things I do in the morning is check Twitter. I start with my calendar and my email of course. You never know what your boss may have sent you overnight...

Links Feed Turned Off
From Wild WebMink

Links Feed Turned Off

I've now turned off the automatic posting to this blog from Delicious. Daily links will now only appear over on my new subscribe to it!

Internet Grows as a News Source
From The Eponymous Pickle

Internet Grows as a News Source

Via Pew and Computerworld. The Internet is continuing to grow as a news source in the US.-

Statistics on the Smartphone
From The Eponymous Pickle

Statistics on the Smartphone

From correspondent Sy Truong, his newly developed paper on SAS and data Macros on the IPhone. I have used his IPhone App. He will present this at the upcoming SAS...

Eye Tracking Mobile Devices
From The Eponymous Pickle

Eye Tracking Mobile Devices

Very interesting piece from the Tobii blog and download of an extensive white paper on the subject. Eye tracking the use of mobile devicesWith a worldwide increase...

New social innovation lab at Darden business school
From Putting People First

New social innovation lab at Darden business school

(From a Darden press release) On March 19 the Darden School of Business [Charlottesville, VA, USA] and the Batten Institute [an academic research center of the...

Stuff in press
From My Biased Coin

Stuff in press

The Economist has a special section this month devoted to The Data Deluge.  (Much of it may still be behind their firewall.)  Many computer scientists are quoted...

From Computational Complexity

CCC 2010 papers posted (I know- Old News)

As Lance tweeted, the papers for CCC 2010 are posted here. The Guest Speakers look AWESOME!: Knot, Raz, Regev. Also Banquet speaker Hartmanis AWESOME! Based...

Is programming
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Is programming

According to student evaluations, most of my students appreciate short programming assignments. Yet, every year, some students think that programming is below them...

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of March 1
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of March 1

March 2 Hearing: The Human Rights and the Law Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on global internet freedom 10 a.m., 226 Dirksen...

Internet on mobiles: evolution of usability and user experience
From Putting People First

Internet on mobiles: evolution of usability and user experience

Anne Kaikkonen, a UI product manager at Nokia, recently presented her doctoral dissertation on the usability and user experience of the mobile internet. Internet...
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