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Communications of the ACM



Why data is never raw
From Putting People First

Why data is never raw

“Except in divine revelation, data is never simply given, nor should it be accepted on faith,” writes Nick Barrowman in The New Atlantis. “How data are construed...

Daniel Kahneman on cutting through the noise
From Putting People First

Daniel Kahneman on cutting through the noise

You might be surprised by what occupies Daniel Kahneman’s thoughts. “You seem to think that I think of bias all the time,” he tells esteemed economist Tyler Cowen...

Our very best wishes for 2019! / Auguri da Experientia!
From Putting People First

Our very best wishes for 2019! / Auguri da Experientia!

The post Our very best wishes for 2019! / Auguri da Experientia! appeared first on Putting people first.

The tyranny of story
From Putting People First

The tyranny of story

In this BBC Radio 4 series, British journalist John Harris examines the potency of narrative, both in the stories that define us as individuals and in those that...

Intel anthropologist Dawn Nafus interview on the use of data and technology in medical contexts
From Putting People First

Intel anthropologist Dawn Nafus interview on the use of data and technology in medical contexts

In an age where we can collect and store (forEVER) every second of every day, how much do we truly need… to learn? To react? To do good deeds that benefit society...

Nielsen Norman Group on the user experience of chatbots
From Putting People First

Nielsen Norman Group on the user experience of chatbots

Far from being ‘intelligent’, today’s chatbots guide users through simple linear flows, and our user research shows that they have a hard time whenever users deviate...

[Report] Hiding in Plain Sight: Impact Investing in the Creative Economy
From Putting People First

[Report] Hiding in Plain Sight: Impact Investing in the Creative Economy

In October 2018, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors published Hiding in Plain Sight: Impact Investing in the Creative Economy, a new report from RPA sponsored project...

Journal of Business Anthropology devoted to design anthropology
From Putting People First

Journal of Business Anthropology devoted to design anthropology

The Journal of Business Anthropology is an Open Access journal which publishes the results of anthropological research in business organizations and business situations...

[Book] Who can you trust?
From Putting People First

[Book] Who can you trust?

Who can you trust? How Technology Brought Us Together and Why It Might Drive Us Apart by Rachel Botsman Public Affairs November 2017, 336 pages If you can’t trust...

What are Europe’s rules for democratic artificial intelligence?
From Putting People First

What are Europe’s rules for democratic artificial intelligence?

Vincenzo Tiani has written an excellent summary in Wired Italia of the recently published “Ethical Framework for a Good AI Society: Opportunities, Risks, Principles...

Consumer behaviour and the circular economy
From Putting People First

Consumer behaviour and the circular economy

Report: Behavioural Study on Consumers’ Engagement in the Circular Economy London Economics for the European Commission – Consumers Health and Food Executive Agency...

[Book] Uberland: How Algorithms Are Rewriting The Rules Of Work
From Putting People First

[Book] Uberland: How Algorithms Are Rewriting The Rules Of Work

Uberland: How Algorithms Are Rewriting The Rules Of Work by Alex Rosenblat University of California Press October 2018, 296 pages Silicon Valley technology is transforming...

HSBC study on trust in technology
From Putting People First

HSBC study on trust in technology

HSBC bank commissioned Populus and Ipsos MORI to conduct an independent study of more than 12,000 people in 11 countries into global technology perceptions andHSBC...

Design education’s big gap: understanding the role of power
From Putting People First

Design education’s big gap: understanding the role of power

George Aye, co-founder and director of innovation at Greater Good Studio and adjunct full professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, argues that for...

Experiential Futures: A brief outline
From Putting People First

Experiential Futures: A brief outline

Stuart Candy (@futuryst), an award-winning foresight practitioner, Director of CMU Situation Lab and Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon School of Design, recently...

[Book] Ethnographic study of a Swiss bank’s financial analysts
From Putting People First

[Book] Ethnographic study of a Swiss bank’s financial analysts

Stories of Capitalism: Inside the role of financial analysts Stefan Leins University of Chicago Press 2018, 224 pages The financial crisis and the recession that...

Nissan digging deep into human behavior for autonomy
From Putting People First

Nissan digging deep into human behavior for autonomy

Just about every automaker in the world is enlisting experts from a variety of fields outside engineering and design to help them develop autonomous vehicles. One...

How do we make smart cities civic?
From Putting People First

How do we make smart cities civic?

Engagement Lab, an applied research and design lab associated with Emerson College that investigates and creates media and technology to reduce disparities in civic...

[Book] Challenging the City Scale
From Putting People First

[Book] Challenging the City Scale

Challenging The City Scale: Journeys in People-Centred Design Ed. by Cité du Design (Saint-Etienne) and Clear Village (London) Birkhäuser, 2018, 176 pages (free...

[Book] Changing Things: The Future of Objects in a Digital World
From Putting People First

[Book] Changing Things: The Future of Objects in a Digital World

Changing Things: The Future of Objects in a Digital World by Johan Redström and Heather Wiltse Bloomsbury Publishing September 2018, 192 pages In their new book...
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