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Communications of the ACM



The intimacy of autonomous vehicles
From Putting People First

The intimacy of autonomous vehicles

Matt Yurdana of Intel’s IoT Experiences Group discusses Intel’s insight on passenger experience in the age of autonomous transportation. The intimate nature ofThe...

How many users are enough in user research?
From Putting People First

How many users are enough in user research?

The British consumer cooperative Co-op uses both qualitative and quantitative approaches to make decisions about products. While quantitative research is best when...

Exploring how and why we make financial choices
From Putting People First

Exploring how and why we make financial choices

The Think Forward Initiative is an open source initiative by ING, CEPR (Centre for Economic Policy Research), Dell EMC, Microsoft, Dimension Data and Deloitte.Exploring...

Business as Unusual: Latest issue of Touchpoint, the service design journal
From Putting People First

Business as Unusual: Latest issue of Touchpoint, the service design journal

“Business as Unusual” was the theme of the ninth annual Service Design Global Conference held in Amsterdam and in its play on words, it recognises that serviceBusiness...

Understanding life’s speed from an anthropological perspective
From Putting People First

Understanding life’s speed from an anthropological perspective

The latest issue of the Cultural Anthropology journal features a new contribution to the journal’s Openings and Retrospectives section: an Openings collection,Understanding...

[Report] How US youth navigate the news landscape
From Putting People First

[Report] How US youth navigate the news landscape

Yesterday, the New York research institute Data & Society released the report How Youth Navigate the News Landscape (download) that explores how young people use...

[OECD Publication] Behavioural Insights and Public Policy
From Putting People First

[OECD Publication] Behavioural Insights and Public Policy

Behavioural Insights and Public Policy: Lessons from Around the World OECD, March 2017 408 pages “Behavioural insights”, or insights derived from the behavioural...

Organizational culture as lazy sensemaking
From Putting People First

Organizational culture as lazy sensemaking

Laura A. McNamara describes what ethnographers can do about the cultural equivalent of the fundamental attribution error, also known as correspondence bias. “It...

How technology gets us hooked
From Putting People First

How technology gets us hooked

From a young age, humans love to press buttons that light up and make a noise. The thrill of positive feedback lies at the heart of addiction to gambling, games...

Yves Béhar’s ten principles for design in the age of AI
From Putting People First

Yves Béhar’s ten principles for design in the age of AI

Swiss designer, entrepreneur, and sustainability advocate Yves Béhar points out that there are no high-level manifestos or guidelines for designers working with...

Future of Healthcare Provision: Opportunities for Patient Engagement
From Putting People First

Future of Healthcare Provision: Opportunities for Patient Engagement

Future Agenda, a non-for-profit UK-based foresight initiative, has just published a new 38-page paper entitled Future of Healthcare Provision: Opportunities for...

New toolkit to create digital government services
From Putting People First

New toolkit to create digital government services

The UK’s Government Digital Service has launched a service toolkit that aims to be a one stop shop for service design resources (reports PublicTechnology). TheNew...

[OECD Report] Use of Behavioural Insights in Consumer Policy
From Putting People First

[OECD Report] Use of Behavioural Insights in Consumer Policy

Use of Behavioural Insights in Consumer Policy OECD 20 Jan 2017 48 pages Over the past decade, behavioural insights have helped make consumer policies more evidence...

Anthropologist Sally Applin on the automation of qualitative methods
From Putting People First

Anthropologist Sally Applin on the automation of qualitative methods

Anthropology and its methodologies cannot easily be automated. However, both design and engineering based organizations are attempting it. Anthropologist SallyAnthropologist...

Social science must return to qualitative research to understand social and political shifts
From Putting People First

Social science must return to qualitative research to understand social and political shifts

Social science has become increasingly beholden to analysis derived from big data: large numerical sets analysed computationally, write Pamela Prickett and Elaine...

Don Norman on what Apple, Google and Tesla get wrong
From Putting People First

Don Norman on what Apple, Google and Tesla get wrong

Don Norman is a technological optimist. The author of The Design of Everyday Things and head of UC San Diego’s Design Lab believes that artificial intelligenceDon...

[Report] Consuming Differently, Consuming Sustainably: Behavioural Insights for Policymaking
From Putting People First

[Report] Consuming Differently, Consuming Sustainably: Behavioural Insights for Policymaking

The objective of this report, published by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is to shed light on opportunities to strengthen the effectiveness of[Report]...

[Report] Behavioural Insights at the United Nations – Achieving Agenda 2030
From Putting People First

[Report] Behavioural Insights at the United Nations – Achieving Agenda 2030

In 2016, the UNDP Innovation Facility collaborated with the newly engaged UN Behavioural Science Advisor to work on behaviorally-informed design with 8 UNDP Country...

[Report] The truth about online consumers
From Putting People First

[Report] The truth about online consumers

During 2016, KPMG conducted an international study on consumer behaviors and preferences related to online shopping. The research was largely based on an online...

Putting the “intelligent” machine in its place
From Putting People First

Putting the “intelligent” machine in its place

It’s rare for a data scientist to be so reflective and critical on the limitations (and therefore the real opportunities) of their discipline, as Katherine Bailey...
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