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Smartphone Forensics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smartphone Forensics

It is remarkable what can be determined from information that is stored on your smartphone.  Not only where you are but lots of information about what you are doing...

More on Google and the Brain
From The Eponymous Pickle

More on Google and the Brain

A good post in Mind Hacks commenting on the Google and the brain study I also noted recently.  Knowing you have something at your fingertips does not mean than...

Counting the Internet of Things
From The Eponymous Pickle

Counting the Internet of Things

We continue to look at how things, in addition to people, now reside identified on the network.  Trackable, queriable and countable.  GigaOM Infographic says among...

KTM Advance - Games and e-Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

KTM Advance - Games and e-Learning

Newly discovered, KTM-Advance,   E-Learning and serious games. Have been examining that aspect of games recently. In particular regarding sales training.   Appears...

G+ Complete Guide
From The Eponymous Pickle

G+ Complete Guide

Mashable has what they call a complete Guide to G+.    Can't be completely true since what G+ is continues to evolve.  Yet it is a good introduction to the parts...

T Commerce Interfaces
From The Eponymous Pickle

T Commerce Interfaces

Thought about this while slipping through Flipboard on an iPad.   A completely configurable magazine and Reader that emphasizes images.  Very addictive.   I have...

Do We Need to be More Social?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Do We Need to be More Social?

Is Microsoft working on a social networking project.  Do we need more social?  I guess we can see these efforts  as competition for our social connections and someone...

Caricatures and Facial Recognition
From The Eponymous Pickle

Caricatures and Facial Recognition

The brain is a powerful facial recognition machine.   It is only recently we have figured out how to systematize to a degree this kind of analysis using image recognition...

Google and the Brain
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google and the Brain

Much this week about how Google and web may be changing the way the brain operates.   Here an article in Rough Type, with a good view of the debate, with an expected...

Social Media Stats
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Media Stats

A large list of social media stats to Kickstart your slidedeck.   Intriguing, though I always worry about the context of such a large and varied assortment. 

Albertsons Removes Self Checkouts
From The Eponymous Pickle

Albertsons Removes Self Checkouts

  In Progressive Grocer.  A combination of concern about service levels and new regulations seems to be driving self-service out.  Longer term, though, I believe...

Visualizing Wikipedia
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visualizing Wikipedia

Hard to imagine, but the Wikipedia  is only ten years old.  Have we not beeing using it for much longer than that? Now there is a challenge to visualize its impact...

Perception is Everything
From The Eponymous Pickle

Perception is Everything

In Fastcompany:  Increasing the size of your fork will make you eat less.  An interesting study in psychological perception.

Free Mentions Here!
From The Eponymous Pickle

Free Mentions Here!

Want an idea, software, book or direction reviewed here?   Send it to me.  Send books in pre-release PDF if you like.   My address is in the left hand column.  ...

Google+ and Psych of Group Membership
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google+ and Psych of Group Membership

This Harvard blog post reminded me of both the psych of George Simmel and my favorite quote from Groucho Marx.  I had forgotten Simmel's  work but remembered Groucho's...

Twitter and Health Trends
From The Eponymous Pickle

Twitter and Health Trends

via Stan Dyck an item on the use of Twitter to determine health trends.   I mentioned before we delivered a related effort using over the counter drug sales to...

Biocompatible Electronics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Biocompatible Electronics

From NCSU, what appears to be a considerable advance for in-body sensor and computing devices.  Add nano miniaturization and remote control and wireless interaction...

Dark Side of the Ad Universe
From The Eponymous Pickle

Dark Side of the Ad Universe

My former colleague Ted McConnell, now with the ARF, very asute in digital advertising, writes on  The Dark Matter of the Online Ad Universe:  What Happens When...

Trends in the Mobile Gaming Industry and Serious Games
From The Eponymous Pickle

Trends in the Mobile Gaming Industry and Serious Games

In Mashable:  These trends are mostly about mobile gaming for entertainment, but I watch these trends for their potential applications beyond the 'angry avians'...

Accidental Creative
From The Eponymous Pickle

Accidental Creative

Heard Todd Henry talk a few weeks ago about creativity and noted that his book The Accidental Creative was being launched.   It's out now and here is a book launch...
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