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Communications of the ACM



Online Grocery Sales to Double
From The Eponymous Pickle

Online Grocery Sales to Double

Nielsen says that online Grocery sales will double.  And Wal-Mart tests online grocery delivery in California.  Step forward for online sales.

Foursquare Partners with Amex
From The Eponymous Pickle

Foursquare Partners with Amex

An Instructive development. Have been awaiting a good commercial example of the use of a location gaming social system like Foursquare. Will watch this development...

Lindstrom and Graphic US Cigarette Packaging
From The Eponymous Pickle

Lindstrom and Graphic US Cigarette Packaging

In the news this week word that the US is changing its Cigarette packaging to remove the text health warning and replacing them with graphic scare images.  I was...

Analytics Magazine
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics Magazine

Analytics Magazine, always interesting content in the process of improving business.  Techniques, case studies, software, trends.  The deep value proposition for...

Billion Users
From The Eponymous Pickle

Billion Users

Google got a billion unique users in May, eWeek reports.   Our computer connectedness continues to grow.

The Search for Jim Gray
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Search for Jim Gray

A fascinating technical overview of the unsuccessful search for lost at sea computer scientist Jim Gray in 2007.  I remember following the effort.  There was no...

Tablet Use Surging
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tablet Use Surging

Adage: 12% of US users have a tablet like the iPad.  Expected to double by next year.  More useful statistics.

How P&G Tripled its Innovation Success Rate
From The Eponymous Pickle

How P&G Tripled its Innovation Success Rate

Article from the Harvard Business Review.   Very well written and accurate.  Only the first, less interesting, part of the article is free online: " ... How could...

CPG is Growing
From The Eponymous Pickle

CPG is Growing

Consumer packaged goods sector is growing and digital involvement is key.

Neuroscience and Quantitative Research Webinar
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuroscience and Quantitative Research Webinar

Tomorrow, this looks to be of particular interest.  Too little of this integration is done: Finding the Sweet Spot Between Neuroscience and Quantitative ResearchTHURSDAY...

Emerging and Historical Perspectives
From The Eponymous Pickle

Emerging and Historical Perspectives

It comes to mind that this blog is about emerging technologies.  Yet I often go back to my own and related enterprise experience and history.  Examples, like AI...

Brilliance by Fulcruum
From The Eponymous Pickle

Brilliance by Fulcruum

Seen at the recent Continuous Web meetings: A new online magazine by Fulcruum Publishing called Brilliance.  The Premiere issue of June 1 is called: Escaping the...

Visirule: Logic Programming
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visirule: Logic Programming

In the heady AI/Knowledge Systems days of the 90s we wrote dozens of rule based systems that contained thousands of rules. These were designed to capture and reproduce...

Clorox Shares Green Data with an App
From The Eponymous Pickle

Clorox Shares Green Data with an App

The increased focus of Apps is revealing.  Note also the integration of UPC code scanning.  Here Clorox shares their green data on a smartphone App. " .... Clorox...

The Wal-Mart Case
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Wal-Mart Case

A reasoned and understandable explanation of the Wal-Mart discrimination case supreme court ruling.  Lots of corporate implications.

Test Drive Your Competitors
From The Eponymous Pickle

Test Drive Your Competitors

A good article in the Harvard Blogs on really knowing you competitors by using, not just casually experiencing their products.   Doing that does not imply disloyalty...

Beyond the Bounce Rate
From The Eponymous Pickle

Beyond the Bounce Rate

A post in the blog at Catalyst Online.   Brought to my attention this week.  Honestly I have not heard the measure of the 'bounce rate' used very often in the enterprise...

Meaningful Play
From The Eponymous Pickle

Meaningful Play

A good Google talk on meaningful play.   Sebstian Deterding  -  Serious Play: Getting Gamification Right.   And Prof. Jesse Schell's talk at DICEon the future of...

Predictive Analytical Medical tests
From The Eponymous Pickle

Predictive Analytical Medical tests

Algorithms for real time data analysis for predictive diagnosis.  Again this was an early application of artificial intelligence.  As suggested this requires that...

Surviving Technological Sea Changes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Surviving Technological Sea Changes

MJ Perry on the survival of IBM during a hundred years of technological changes.
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