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The Data Centers of Tomorrow Will ­se the Same Tech Our Phones Do
From ACM Opinion

The Data Centers of Tomorrow Will ­se the Same Tech Our Phones Do

The mobile revolution has spread beyond the mini supercomputers in our hands all the way to the data center.

Where Tech Is Taking ­s: A Conversation With Intel's Genevieve Bell
From ACM Opinion

Where Tech Is Taking ­s: A Conversation With Intel's Genevieve Bell

Genevieve Bell grew up among Aboriginal people in Australia, taught anthropology at Stanford and for the past 16 years has worked for Intel.

Why Many Programmers Don't Bother Joining the ACM
From ACM Opinion

Why Many Programmers Don't Bother Joining the ACM

Earlier this month Vint Cerf, co-creator of the TCP/IP protocol and current Google vice president, openly asked professional programmers for feedback regarding...

The Nsa's Cyber-King Goes Corporate
From ACM Opinion

The Nsa's Cyber-King Goes Corporate

Keith Alexander, the recently retired director of the National Security Agency, left many in Washington slack-jawed when it was reported that he might charge companies...

Google Bets a Billion Dollars on Twitch
From ACM Opinion

Google Bets a Billion Dollars on Twitch

Video gaming differentiates itself from the older forms of escapism—literature, theatre, film, television—with interactivity.

Behind the Smoking Guns: Inside Nypd's 21st Century Arsenal
From ACM News

Behind the Smoking Guns: Inside Nypd's 21st Century Arsenal

In the early morning hours of last Sept. 25, a stocky young man bolted the Bora Bora Lounge in Highbridge, the Bronx, with a gun in his hand and squeezed off seven...

When Robots Come For Our Jobs, Will We Be Ready to Outsmart Them?
From ACM Opinion

When Robots Come For Our Jobs, Will We Be Ready to Outsmart Them?

Non-human employees are filling positions in all sorts of workplaces, and they are proving themselves to be fast, accurate, and reliable—more so than their human...

Three Cardinal Rules For Managing Your Boss
From ACM Careers

Three Cardinal Rules For Managing Your Boss

Instead of blaming your boss for your problems in the workplace, it's better to learn his or her style and adapt

Some ­niversities Crack Code in Drawing Women to Computer Science
From ACM Careers

Some ­niversities Crack Code in Drawing Women to Computer Science

One of the reasons so few women work in tech is that few choose to study computer science or engineering.

How Russian Hackers Stole the Nasdaq
From ACM News

How Russian Hackers Stole the Nasdaq

In October 2010, a Federal Bureau of Investigation system monitoring U.S. Internet traffic picked up an alert.

Nsa Recruits College Students For Cyber-Operations Program
From ACM Careers

Nsa Recruits College Students For Cyber-Operations Program

The National Security Agency is looking to grow its ranks with highly-trained college students.

What Is a 'zero Day' Vulnerability?
From ACM Careers

What Is a 'zero Day' Vulnerability?

Tech giant Google announced a new team of security researchers aimed at making the web a safer place by discovering "zero day" vulnerabilities Tuesday.

Nasa Seeks Proposals For Europa Mission Science Instruments
From ACM Careers

Nasa Seeks Proposals For Europa Mission Science Instruments

NASA has issued an Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for proposals about science instruments that could be carried aboard a future mission to Jupiter's moon Europa...

Switzerland: From Banking Paradise To Data Safe Zone
From ACM Careers

Switzerland: From Banking Paradise To Data Safe Zone

Stash gold in a Swiss bank? It's old hat. Try something really valuable: data.

The Truth About Tech Company Perks
From ACM Careers

The Truth About Tech Company Perks

If you cant write code, should you get free lunch?

Why Apple's Swift Language Will Instantly Remake Computer Programming
From ACM News

Why Apple's Swift Language Will Instantly Remake Computer Programming

Chris Lattner spent a year and a half creating a new programming language—a new way of designing, building, and running computer software—and he didn't mention...

Nsa Implementing Fix to Prevent Snowden-Like Security Breach
From ACM Opinion

Nsa Implementing Fix to Prevent Snowden-Like Security Breach

A year after Edward Snowden's digital heist, the NSA's chief technology officer says steps have been taken to stop future incidents. But he says there's no way...

Tech Scene in Myanmar Hinges on Cellphone Grid
From ACM Careers

Tech Scene in Myanmar Hinges on Cellphone Grid

Images of Steven P. Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg adorn the walls of Myo Myint Kyaw's creative digital agency.

The Trouble With Brain Science
From ACM Opinion

The Trouble With Brain Science

Are we ever going to figure out how the brain works?

B-Schools Finally Acknowledge: Companies Want Mbas Who Can Code
From ACM Careers

B-Schools Finally Acknowledge: Companies Want Mbas Who Can Code

Companies want to hire technically skilled MBAs, and business schools are finally starting to get it.
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