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Three Questions with Amazon's Technology Chief, Werner Vogels
From ACM Opinion

Three Questions with Amazon's Technology Chief, Werner Vogels

In the eight years since rolled out its cloud-computing business, Amazon Web Services, this has grown from a side project that took advantage of the...

­nblinking Eyes Track Employees
From ACM Careers

­nblinking Eyes Track Employees

A digital Big Brother is coming to work, for better or worse.

Can Hp Build the Computer of the Future?
From ACM News

Can Hp Build the Computer of the Future?

On June 11, Hewlett-Packard revealed plans to make a new kind of computer that it's playfully calling The Machine.

Supreme Court Tosses 'abstract' Software Patent
From ACM News

Supreme Court Tosses 'abstract' Software Patent

The Supreme Court on Thursday tossed out an Australian company's patent for business software in a decision that clarifies standards for awarding patents, but not...

Is China a Scientific Powerhouse?
From ACM Opinion

Is China a Scientific Powerhouse?

China has vastly expanded higher education over the past three decades—in 1982, less than 1 percent of China’s twenty-somethings had attended college; by 2010,...

Software That Sees Employees, Not Outsiders, As the Real Threat
From ACM Careers

Software That Sees Employees, Not Outsiders, As the Real Threat

A growing number of companies are under pressure to protect sensitive data—and not just from hackers lurking outside the digital walls.

Titan Flybys Test the Talents of Nasa's Cassini Team
From ACM News

Titan Flybys Test the Talents of Nasa's Cassini Team

As NASA's Cassini spacecraft zooms toward Saturn's smoggy moon Titan for a targeted flyby on June 18, mission scientists are excitedly hoping to repeat a scientific...

Mastercard Expects Big Growth from 'big Data' Insights
From ACM Careers

Mastercard Expects Big Growth from 'big Data' Insights

MasterCard Inc, the world's second-largest debit and credit card company, sees business booming from selling data to retailers, banks, and governments on spending...

Jonathan Ive on Apple's Design Process and Product Philosophy
From ACM Opinion

Jonathan Ive on Apple's Design Process and Product Philosophy

When Steven P. Jobs led Apple, he created a core principle for the company's designers and engineers: stay fully focused on making great products.

Turn Detroit Into Drone Valley
From ACM Opinion

Turn Detroit Into Drone Valley

The popular recipe for creating the "next" Silicon Valley goes something like this:

Is Tony Fadell the Next Steve Jobs or ... the Next Larry Page?
From ACM Careers

Is Tony Fadell the Next Steve Jobs or ... the Next Larry Page?

In the late 1990s a young entrepreneur named Tony Fadell tried to persuade Stewart Alsop, a journalist who had recently become a venture capitalist, to invest in...

Analog Engineers: Too Few or Too Many?
From ACM Careers

Analog Engineers: Too Few or Too Many?

After years spent encouraging engineering students to focus on software and digital electronics, some people say the day of reckoning appears to be drawing near...

With 'the Machine,' Hp May Have Invented a New Kind of Computer
From ACM News

With 'the Machine,' Hp May Have Invented a New Kind of Computer

If Hewlett-Packard founders Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard are spinning in their graves, they may be due for a break.

Grit Better Than Gre at Predicting Success in Stem Fields
From ACM Careers

Grit Better Than Gre at Predicting Success in Stem Fields

Selecting graduate students into STEM fields based on an assessment of their character rather than relying heavily on GRE test scores would significantly improve...

Tiny Startup Completely Reinvents How We ­se Touchscreens
From ACM Careers

Tiny Startup Completely Reinvents How We ­se Touchscreens

If you want a reminder of how far technology has come in the last decade, check out the YouTube clip of Steve Jobs unveiling the first iPhone to a room full of...

Nasa Advanced Technology Phase I Concepts Selected
From ACM Careers

Nasa Advanced Technology Phase I Concepts Selected

NASA has selected 12 proposals, including three from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, for study under Phase I of the NASA Innovative Advanced...

Do We Really Need to Learn to Code?
From ACM Opinion

Do We Really Need to Learn to Code?

"Learn to Code!" This imperative to program seems to be everywhere these days. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg recently donated ten million dollars to,...

Cyberattack Insurance a Challenge For Business
From ACM News

Cyberattack Insurance a Challenge For Business

Julia Roberts's smile is insured. So are Heidi Klum’s legs, Daniel Craig's body and Jennifer Lopez's derrière.

Virtual Soccer Now a World Cup Fan's Best Prediction Tool
From ACM News

Virtual Soccer Now a World Cup Fan's Best Prediction Tool

Thursday marks the kickoff of the 2014 World Cup, signaling the start of a global guessing game about which two teams will appear in the finals of the 64-match...

Computer Programming Is a Dying Art
From ACM Careers

Computer Programming Is a Dying Art

Writing code is a terrible way for humans to instruct computers.
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