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Digital Warriors Battle to Get African Games on Phones
From ACM Careers

Digital Warriors Battle to Get African Games on Phones

Safari the warrior crouches in the bush - a digitized heroine from the new mobile phone game "Afro Fighters" that its Nigerian creator hopes will soon rival the...

How Google Map Hackers Can Destroy a Business at Will
From ACM Careers

How Google Map Hackers Can Destroy a Business at Will

Washington DC-area residents with a hankering for lion meat lost a valuable source of the (yes, legal) delicacy last year when a restaurant called the Serbian Crown...

Cameras, Robots, and Gps: Small Tech Firms Seek World Cup Boost
From ACM Careers

Cameras, Robots, and Gps: Small Tech Firms Seek World Cup Boost

Several small technology companies are looking to the World Cup to give their businesses a major boost.

Taking a Short Smartphone Break Improves Employee Well-Being, Research Finds
From ACM Careers

Taking a Short Smartphone Break Improves Employee Well-Being, Research Finds

A Kansas State University researcher has found that short smartphone breaks throughout the workday can improve workplace productivity, make employees happier, and...

Backlash Stirs in ­S Against Foreign Worker Visas
From ACM Careers

Backlash Stirs in ­S Against Foreign Worker Visas

Kelly Parker was thrilled when she landed her dream job in 2012 providing tech support for Harley-Davidson's Tomahawk, Wisconsin, plants.

Nypd's Facebook Page Shares Its Triumphs
From ACM Careers

Nypd's Facebook Page Shares Its Triumphs

The New York Police Department's Facebook page has taken on a role that was once largely limited to the city's press corps: publishing news articles.

Row Hits Flagship Brain Plan
From ACM News

Row Hits Flagship Brain Plan

The European Union's high-profile, €1-billion Human Brain Project, launched last October, has come under fire from neuroscientists, who claim that poor management...

Inside the Democratic Party's Hogwarts For Digital Wizardry
From ACM Careers

Inside the Democratic Party's Hogwarts For Digital Wizardry

Billy Beane on the Future of Sports: A Tech-Driven Revolution
From ACM Opinion

Billy Beane on the Future of Sports: A Tech-Driven Revolution

Baseball—my passion and profession for three decades—has been at the forefront of the analytics revolution sweeping through sports.

Here's What the Leaders of Tech Told Graduates in 2014
From ACM Careers

Here's What the Leaders of Tech Told Graduates in 2014

Graduates around the world gather at the end of spring for one final lesson: the commencement speech.

Xiaomi's Phones Have Conquered China. Now It's Aiming For the Rest of the World
From ACM Careers

Xiaomi's Phones Have Conquered China. Now It's Aiming For the Rest of the World

On May 15, behind the curving, imperial facade of the China National Convention Center in Beijing, a veteran technology executive named Lei Jun walks onstage before...

The AP's Newest Business Reporter Is an Algorithm
From ACM News

The AP's Newest Business Reporter Is an Algorithm

Journalistic earnings stories can feel robotic, even when written by a news organization as prestigious as the Associated Press.

Happy Software Developers Solve Problems Better
From ACM Careers

Happy Software Developers Solve Problems Better

A new study supports the claim that happy software developers are indeed better problem solvers in terms of their analytical abilities.

The Incredible Shrinking Tech Spending Projections
From ACM Careers

The Incredible Shrinking Tech Spending Projections

Summer is flying by; Gartner has already trimmed its annual projections for worldwide information technology spending.

Research Reveals a Gender Gap in the Nation's Labs
From ACM Careers

Research Reveals a Gender Gap in the Nation's Labs

A study of 24 top institutions found that women are greatly underrepresented in the labs of the highest-achieving male professors.

New York Subway Cell Coverage Stinks, But Here Are the Best Lines
From ACM News

New York Subway Cell Coverage Stinks, But Here Are the Best Lines

The New York City subway system may run 24 hours a day and represent the most efficient means to get around the metropolis, but it has long been a sore spot for...

An Argument That the Shortage of Cyber Workers Is a Problem That Will Solve Itself
From ACM Careers

An Argument That the Shortage of Cyber Workers Is a Problem That Will Solve Itself

Talk to any talent professional in the Washington region and they'll tell you cybersecurity jobs are among the most difficult for them to fill.

Cassini Celebrates 10 Years Exploring Saturn
From ACM News

Cassini Celebrates 10 Years Exploring Saturn

It has been a decade since a robotic traveler from Earth first soared over rings of ice and fired its engine to fall forever into the embrace of Saturn.

Google's Sundar Pichai Is the Most Powerful Man in Mobile
From ACM Opinion

Google's Sundar Pichai Is the Most Powerful Man in Mobile

At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January, Samsung introduced new software for its tablets, called the Magazine UX.

Brain Wave Hits California
From ACM Careers

Brain Wave Hits California

As US science agencies firm up plans for a national ten-year neuroscience initiative, California is launching an ambitious project of its own.
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