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My Duolingo Learning App Can Reshape Education
From ACM Opinion

My Duolingo Learning App Can Reshape Education

Duolingo users are making new courses for people who speak Asian languages like Chinese and Hindi. How does that work?

The Science of Networking
From ACM Careers

The Science of Networking

MIT senior Esther Jang uses science, engineering, and teaching to help others and challenge herself. She and a classmate brought Internet connectivity and online...

Tackling the Limits of Touch Screens
From ACM News

Tackling the Limits of Touch Screens

Touch screens are ubiquitous on tablets and smartphones, but their flat glass surfaces can hinder close reading and accurate typing.

IBM's Watson Gains Presence at Top Technical ­niversities
From ACM TechNews

IBM's Watson Gains Presence at Top Technical ­niversities

IBM recently announced it is partnering with several top U.S. technology universities to launch cognitive computing courses that give students access to its Watson...

Gchq-Backed Competition Seeks New Recruits
From ACM Careers

Gchq-Backed Competition Seeks New Recruits

Dubbed the Cyber Security Challenge, contestants will participate in various cyber-battles.

Should Young Children Learn Coding?
From ACM Opinion

Should Young Children Learn Coding?

Re "Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Now Coding" (front page, May 11): Schools and parents are really off the mark in introducing coding (and technology in general)...

Moocs Not Yet Meeting High Expectations, Study Finds
From ACM Careers

Moocs Not Yet Meeting High Expectations, Study Finds

The rollout of massive open online courses (MOOCs) led to predictions that brick-and-mortar campuses would soon be obsolete and that learning would be forever...

American College Students Aren't Flocking to Computer Science
From ACM Careers

American College Students Aren't Flocking to Computer Science

Strong demand for software developers doesn't seem to be influencing the choice of major for U.S. college students.

Amy Robinson, Creative Director
From ACM Opinion

Amy Robinson, Creative Director

Amy Robinson pulls no punches.

Student-Built Robots Compete on the Slopes
From ACM Careers

Student-Built Robots Compete on the Slopes

Mechanical engineering students in an MIT robotics class produced a wide array of robots to compete on a simulated ski slope in a prestigious annual competition...

As Tech Firms Crank Out Apps For Children, Demand For Junior Consultants Rises
From ACM Careers

As Tech Firms Crank Out Apps For Children, Demand For Junior Consultants Rises

Owen Radtke, like many of his peers in the San Francisco Bay Area, is in hot demand as a product-design consultant for technology startups.

Scientific Computing's Future: Can Any Coding Language Top a 1950s Behemoth?
From ACM News

Scientific Computing's Future: Can Any Coding Language Top a 1950s Behemoth?

Take a tour through the research laboratories at any university physics department or national lab, and much of what you will see defines "cutting edge."

Want to Learn Quicker? ­se Your Body
From ACM Opinion

Want to Learn Quicker? ­se Your Body

Ever got to grips with a problem? Picked up a new skill? Grasped a difficult concept? The language of learning is full of references to parts of the body outside...

Do-It-Yourselfers Inspire Hardware Renaissance in Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

Do-It-Yourselfers Inspire Hardware Renaissance in Silicon Valley

In the shadow of Internet monoliths such as Facebook, Google and Twitter, it's easy to forget that Silicon Valley got its start from hard-scrabble tinkerers building...

Chinese Applications for U.S. Grad Schools Dip for Second Year
From ACM Careers

Chinese Applications for U.S. Grad Schools Dip for Second Year

For the second year in a row, the number of applications from Chinese students to get into U.S. graduate schools has declined, according to a report from the...

The Secret Messages Inside Chinese ­rls
From ACM Opinion

The Secret Messages Inside Chinese ­rls

An American friend living in Beijing once said she refused to communicate with anyone whose email address consisted of a string of numbers, such as 62718298454@163...

Spreading the A.p. Gospel to Nurture Scientists and Engineers
From ACM Careers

Spreading the A.p. Gospel to Nurture Scientists and Engineers

Even before the first day of class in August, Maura Fritzley had second thoughts about taking Advanced Placement physics.

Self-Assembly Required: One Scientist's Bid to Build Cancer-Killing Nanorobots
From ACM News

Self-Assembly Required: One Scientist's Bid to Build Cancer-Killing Nanorobots

The term "cancer killing nanorobot" could conjure up all sorts of images, the best involving teeny tiny laser eyebeams.

Carnegie Mellon Awarded $7.5 Million Department of Defense Grant to Reshape Mathematics
From ACM Careers

Carnegie Mellon Awarded $7.5 Million Department of Defense Grant to Reshape Mathematics

Carnegie Mellon University's Steve Awodey has received a $7.5 million, five-year grant from the Department of Defense to reshape the foundations of mathematics...

Devices That Know How We Really Feel
From ACM News

Devices That Know How We Really Feel

Admit it: Sometimes you just want to punch your PC, or slap your smartphone, or knock your notebook.
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