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To Remember a Lecture Better, Take Notes By Hand
From ACM Careers

To Remember a Lecture Better, Take Notes By Hand

Psych 101 was about to start, and Pam Mueller had forgotten her laptop at home.

What's It Like to Consult For The Big Bang Theory?
From ACM Opinion

What's It Like to Consult For The Big Bang Theory?

Now in its seventh season, the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory is more popular than ever, averaging 19.79 million viewers per episode; and it’s not going away anytime...

Cyber-Connected Students Net Higher Grades, Study Shows
From ACM Careers

Cyber-Connected Students Net Higher Grades, Study Shows

University students who used a Facebook group as part of a large sociology class did better on course assignments and felt a stronger sense of belonging, according...

Maths Spying: The Quandary of Working For the Spooks
From ACM Opinion

Maths Spying: The Quandary of Working For the Spooks

For the past 10 months, a major international scandal has engulfed some of the world's largest employers of mathematicians.

A Student-Data Collector Drops Out
From ACM Careers

A Student-Data Collector Drops Out

To hear executives at inBloom tell it, their $100 million education technology start-up is shutting down after only 15 months of operation because it was too far...

Sex and Race Discrimination in Academia Starts Even Before Grad School
From ACM Careers

Sex and Race Discrimination in Academia Starts Even Before Grad School

A study of how likely faculty were to respond to a request to meet with a student to discuss research opportunities found that professors were more likely to...

A Global Push for More Computer Science in Classrooms is Starting to Bear Fruit
From ACM Careers

A Global Push for More Computer Science in Classrooms is Starting to Bear Fruit

In September, when computer science becomes part of England's primary-school curriculum, compuational games are likely to become a common sight in the country's...

From ACM Careers

For Women in Tech, Pay Gap Is ­nusually Small

Technology, with its bro culture, has not been a particularly welcoming profession for women. So it is surprising that in the tech sector, the pay gap between women...

Asia Student Supercomputer Challenge Emphasizes Applications, Scalability
From ACM TechNews

Asia Student Supercomputer Challenge Emphasizes Applications, Scalability

The 2014 Asia Student Supercomputer Challenge, which is taking place this week, aims to promote both fundamental and practical technology, improve students' ability...

How America's Leading Science Fiction Authors Are Shaping Your Future
From ACM Opinion

How America's Leading Science Fiction Authors Are Shaping Your Future

Stories set in the future are often judged, as time passes, on whether they come true or not.

Economic Competitiveness in the 21st Century
From ACM Careers

Economic Competitiveness in the 21st Century

Former Intel CEO Craig Barrett spells out steps the United States should take to compete in an increasingly global economy and rapidly changing technological environment...

The Most Expensive Lottery Ticket in the World
From ACM Opinion

The Most Expensive Lottery Ticket in the World

No Exit, the new book from Gideon Lewis-Kraus, should be required reading for anybody who thinks it might be a good idea to found a startup in Silicon Valley.

The Upshot of Heartbleed? Jobs
From ACM Careers

The Upshot of Heartbleed? Jobs

The need for jobs that focus on cyber security is more apparent than ever, especially in the aftermath of Heartbleed, the recently uncovered Internet bug.

Online Course to Endeavor World's Largest Memory Experiment
From ACM Careers

Online Course to Endeavor World's Largest Memory Experiment

A free, massive open online course (MOOC) on neurobiology from the University of Chicago will include what may become the world's largest memory experiment.

Meet 18F, the GSA's Bid to Change Federal IT
From ACM Careers

Meet 18F, the GSA's Bid to Change Federal IT

In a large, white room that looks more like an Apple store than an office, a group of developers and entrepreneurs meet every day in downtown Washington to work...

Majority of Engineers Believe They Will Become Millionaires, Study Says
From ACM Careers

Majority of Engineers Believe They Will Become Millionaires, Study Says

Engineers are pretty stoked, says a recent survey commissioned by an engineer-services company.

The New Academic Celebrity
From ACM Careers

The New Academic Celebrity

Back in 1991, a New York Times Magazine writer, Anne Matthews, described Andrew Ross, a doyen of American studies, strolling through the Modern Language Association...

­.k. Giving Cold Shoulder to Foreign STEM Students
From ACM Careers

­.k. Giving Cold Shoulder to Foreign STEM Students

Noting a declining number of foreign students in STEM courses, the Lords Science and Technology Committee accused the David Cameron government of creating an unwelcoming...

Stanford Medical Technology Exposes Hidden Maladies of Sculptor Auguste Rodin's Celebrated Hands
From ACM News

Stanford Medical Technology Exposes Hidden Maladies of Sculptor Auguste Rodin's Celebrated Hands

One has a ganglion cyst.

Conference Shows High School Girls Their Scientific Future
From ACM Careers

Conference Shows High School Girls Their Scientific Future

Nearly 400 high school girls from the Chicago area will attend the 27th annual Science Careers in Search of Women conference this week at the U.S. Department...
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