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Call of Cyber Duty: Military Academies Take on Nsa
From ACM Careers

Call of Cyber Duty: Military Academies Take on Nsa

If Douglas MacArthur or Ulysses S. Grant went to the U.S. Military Academy today, they might be testing their defensive skills hunched in front of a computer screen...

Get Familiar With Big Data Now—or Face 'Permanent Pink Slip'
From ACM Careers

Get Familiar With Big Data Now—or Face 'Permanent Pink Slip'

Sick of hearing about Big Data?

Steve Matteson: Fonts in the Time of Wearables
From ACM Opinion

Steve Matteson: Fonts in the Time of Wearables

As gadgets get smaller, and mobile manufacturers find new ways to shrink their devices to fit on a user's wrist, people like Steve Matteson are focused on keeping...

The STEM Enrollment Boom
From ACM TechNews

The STEM Enrollment Boom

Undergraduates at four-year institutions have become much more likely to study science and technology fields, according to a study by researchers at the University...

The Guilt of the Video-Game Millionaires
From ACM Careers

The Guilt of the Video-Game Millionaires

One night in March, 2013, Rami Ismail and his business partner Jan Willem released a game for mobile phones called Ridiculous Fishing.

Science-Themed Music Videos Boost Scientific Literacy, Study Shows
From ACM Careers

Science-Themed Music Videos Boost Scientific Literacy, Study Shows

With the United States putting greater emphasis on STEM education, schools are trying to figure out how to improve student learning in science. University of Washington...

Robot 101: Learning to Work With Humans
From ACM TechNews

Robot 101: Learning to Work With Humans

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Interactive Robotics Group director Julie Shah is focused on teaching inherently safe robots to work in teams with people,...

The Internet Is Killing Most Languages
From ACM News

The Internet Is Killing Most Languages

You might be living through another mass extinction of species—brought on by us humans, who have been changing climate and fragmenting habitats at an increasing...

Half of New York's Tech Workers Lack College Degrees, Report Says
From ACM Careers

Half of New York's Tech Workers Lack College Degrees, Report Says

The fast-growing technology industry in New York is often cited as a magnet for graduates of the nation's top universities.

Carnegie Mellon Robot Invites Humans to Play Mean Game of Scrabble
From ACM News

Carnegie Mellon Robot Invites Humans to Play Mean Game of Scrabble

Victor is obsessed with SCRABBLE.

MOOCs Viewed Positively by Employers for Hiring, Training
From ACM Careers

MOOCs Viewed Positively by Employers for Hiring, Training

Employers generally view massive open online courses (MOOCs) positively for recruiting, hiring, and training employees, according to a new study by researchers...

Open Enigma Project Makes Encryption Machines Accessible
From ACM News

Open Enigma Project Makes Encryption Machines Accessible

Enigma machines have captivated everyone from legendary code breaker Alan Turing and the dedicated cryptographers from England's Bletchley Park to historians and...

USC Team Develops Research-Based Educational Games
From ACM TechNews

USC Team Develops Research-Based Educational Games

Researchers at the University of Southern California's Game Innovation Lab are developing research-based games for education and social awareness. The games are...

Adding Coding to the Curriculum
From ACM TechNews

Adding Coding to the Curriculum

Students worldwide are increasingly familiarizing themselves with coding fundamentals, and proponents say such knowledge aids students' career prospects, their...

Cyber-Attacks Increase Leads to Jobs Boom
From ACM Careers

Cyber-Attacks Increase Leads to Jobs Boom

As the number and sophistication of cyber-attacks increase, so too does the demand for people who can prevent such digital incursions.

Which College—and Which Major—will Make You Richest?
From ACM Careers

Which College—and Which Major—will Make You Richest?

A Bachelor of Science from Harvey Mudd College, the small California science and engineering school, is the most valuable college degree in America.

The Virtual Genius of Oculus Rift
From ACM Careers

The Virtual Genius of Oculus Rift

To understand why Oculus Rift matters, it helps to know who John Carmack is.

Slideshow Outlines Cyberwar Training For Chinese Students
From ACM Careers

Slideshow Outlines Cyberwar Training For Chinese Students

Computer science students in China are exhorted to "shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding [China's] cyber sovereignty, and engage in the arduous task of...

The Brutal Ageism of Tech
From ACM Careers

The Brutal Ageism of Tech

"I have more botox in me than any ten people," Dr. Seth Matarasso told me in an exam room this February.

Stevens Launches Effort to Recruit More Women to Key Majors
From ACM Careers

Stevens Launches Effort to Recruit More Women to Key Majors

Stevens Institute of Technology is partnering with an initiative of the NCWIT to implement a new strategic plan for recruiting more women into the fields of computer...
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