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Non-Lethal Weapon: DOD Seeks to ­se Lasers to Create Shouting Will-O-the-Wisp
From ACM Careers

Non-Lethal Weapon: DOD Seeks to ­se Lasers to Create Shouting Will-O-the-Wisp

The Department of Defense's Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Development Program (JNLWD) is closing in on a directed energy weapon that can literally tell people to go...

Next Worry for Facebook: Disenchanted ­sers
From ACM News

Next Worry for Facebook: Disenchanted ­sers

Facebook Inc.'s handling of user data has upset lawmakers and regulators in multiple countries. But the biggest risk to its business could come from angry users...

CEO Warning: Talent Pipeline Collapsing With Fewer Immigrants
From ACM Careers

CEO Warning: Talent Pipeline Collapsing With Fewer Immigrants

Fewer immigrants to the United States means reduced potential for companies to grow or be created by foreign-born entrepreneurs, says SnapIT Solutions CEO Neelima...

Higher Education Joint Cyber Security Operations Center Launches
From ACM Careers

Higher Education Joint Cyber Security Operations Center Launches

OmniSOC at Indiana University protects five universities, hundreds of thousands of devices, and tens of thousands of students and faculty from cyber threats.

Top Schools for AI: Study Ranks Leading ­.S. Grad Programs
From ACM Careers

Top Schools for AI: Study Ranks Leading ­.S. Grad Programs

A new study of the top graduate programs for artificial intelligence in the United States reveals which universities are poised to lead the AI revolution.

It Could Be Time To Move Into the AI Job Market
From ACM News

It Could Be Time To Move Into the AI Job Market

Machine learning engineers and data scientists are the two fastest-growing new jobs in the United States, according to LinkedIn's latest Emerging Jobs Report.

The Tech Jobs That Banks Can't Fill
From ACM Careers

The Tech Jobs That Banks Can't Fill

There are plenty of open jobs in the financial services industry that require technology expertise, many of which banks are struggling to fill. In response, compensation...

Targeting China, Trump Threatens Student Visas. That Would Hit a Big ­.S. Export
From ACM Careers

Targeting China, Trump Threatens Student Visas. That Would Hit a Big ­.S. Export

The Trump administration's proposed crackdown on China's trade practices could hit one sector where the U.S. runs a big trade surplus: higher education.

Twitter for Scientists: An Idea Whose Time Has Finally Come?
From ACM Careers

Twitter for Scientists: An Idea Whose Time Has Finally Come?

Michael Goldblatt, a former DARPA official, says the idea of Polyplexus is "to create research into digestible chunks to drive citations and drive understanding...

Europe's New Privacy Law Will Change the Web, and More
From ACM News

Europe's New Privacy Law Will Change the Web, and More

Consumers have long wondered just what Google and Facebook know about them, and who else can access their personal data. But internet giants have little incentive...

Are Research Papers Less Accurate and Truthful Than In the Past?
From ACM Careers

Are Research Papers Less Accurate and Truthful Than In the Past?

That is a myth, according to the latest investigation.

Amazon Is Hiring More Developers For Alexa Than Google Is Hiring For Everything
From ACM Careers

Amazon Is Hiring More Developers For Alexa Than Google Is Hiring For Everything

Amazon is hiring 1,147 people for its Alexa business unit alone, says a new report. That's more than Google is hiring for product and technical roles across the...

Pick the Right Online Computer Science Degree Program
From ACM Careers

Pick the Right Online Computer Science Degree Program

On top of assessing factors such as a program's accreditation, student services, faculty, and interactivity, experts suggest that prospective students ask these...

Software Helps Spot New Forms of Fentanyl and Other Illegal Drugs
From ACM Careers

Software Helps Spot New Forms of Fentanyl and Other Illegal Drugs

The National Institute of Standards and Technology has released a free algorithm for searching chemical databases that can recognize new fentanyl analogs even if...

Pentagon Wants Silicon Valley’s Help on A.I.
From ACM News

Pentagon Wants Silicon Valley’s Help on A.I.

There is little doubt that the Defense Department needs help from Silicon Valley's biggest companies as it pursues work on artificial intelligence. The question...

­nlocking On-Package Memory's Effects on HPC Scientific Kernels
From ACM Careers

­nlocking On-Package Memory's Effects on HPC Scientific Kernels

Researchers conducted a thorough experimental evaluation to discern how on-package memories affect the performance and power efficiency of high-performance computing...

The Analytics of Rehabilitation
From ACM Careers

The Analytics of Rehabilitation

Data scientists lead the charge for more successful substance abuse treatment.

British Cyber Option to Punish Russia Prompts Fear of 'Electronic War'
From ACM News

British Cyber Option to Punish Russia Prompts Fear of 'Electronic War'

Of all the ways Theresa May could hit back against Russia over the poisoning of an agent on British soil, a cyberattack seems almost fitting.

360 Video: Tour a Mars Robot Test Lab
From ACM Careers

360 Video: Tour a Mars Robot Test Lab

NASA's InSight lander looks a bit like an oversized crane game: when it lands on Mars this November, its robotic arm will be used to grasp and move objects on another...

AT&T's $1 Billion Gambit: Retraining Nearly Half Its Workforce for Jobs of the Future
From ACM Careers

AT&T's $1 Billion Gambit: Retraining Nearly Half Its Workforce for Jobs of the Future

AT&T initiated a massive retraining effort after discovering that nearly half of its 250,000 employees lacked the necessary skills needed to keep the company competitive...
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