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Meet Deep Thunder: Ibm's Next Step in the Automation of Forecasting
From ACM Careers

Meet Deep Thunder: Ibm's Next Step in the Automation of Forecasting

Until recently, weather forecasting was a fairly straightforward process.

Why Do Women Leave Engineering?
From ACM Careers

Why Do Women Leave Engineering?

A new study proposes that negative group dynamics of teamwork and internships may deter many women in the engineering profession.

Promising Gene Therapies Pose Million-Dollar Conundrum
From ACM Careers

Promising Gene Therapies Pose Million-Dollar Conundrum

Drugs that act by modifying a patient’s genes are close to approval in the United States, and one is already available in Europe. The developments mark a triumph...

The Man Who Can Map the Chemicals All Over Your Body
From ACM Careers

The Man Who Can Map the Chemicals All Over Your Body

Apart from the treadmill desk, Pieter Dorrestein's office at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), is unremarkable: there is a circular table with chairs...

Computer Science Salaries Rise With Demand For New Graduates
From ACM Careers

Computer Science Salaries Rise With Demand For New Graduates

As scores of college graduates hit the job market this spring, their employment prospects are more promising than those of last year's graduating class. In particular...

Strategic Advisor Discusses Doe Exascale Initiative
From ACM Careers

Strategic Advisor Discusses Doe Exascale Initiative

Argonne National Laboratory Distinguished Fellow Paul Messina discusses the National Strategic Computing Initiative to pave the road toward an exascale computing...

The World's Top Economists Want to Work For Amazon and Facebook
From ACM Careers

The World's Top Economists Want to Work For Amazon and Facebook

At an April meetup organized by the National Association for Business Economics (NABE), a Facebook researcher named Michael Bailey showed his peers how somebody...

New Tools Turn Manufacturing Workers Into Robo-Employees
From ACM Careers

New Tools Turn Manufacturing Workers Into Robo-Employees

The next-generation factory worker isn't a robot, but a tech-augmented human—a kind of "Iron Man" outfitted with performance-enhancing gear.

Stanford Class Aims to Seed a Reserve Officers Training Corps for Techies
From ACM Careers

Stanford Class Aims to Seed a Reserve Officers Training Corps for Techies

On Tuesday, I listened to eight teams of Stanford students present their solutions to current national security problems on the final day of H4D: Hacking for Defense...

Why the World Hates Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

Why the World Hates Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is the new Rome. As in the time of Caesar, the world is grappling with an advanced city-state dominating much of the planet, injecting its technology...

The All-American Iphone
From ACM Opinion

The All-American Iphone

Donald Trump says that if he becomes president, he will "get Apple to start making their computers and their iPhones on our land, not in China." Bernie ­Sanders...

Jobs Threatened By Machines: A Once 'stupid' Concern Gains Respect
From ACM Opinion

Jobs Threatened By Machines: A Once 'stupid' Concern Gains Respect

They replaced horses, didn't they? That's how the late, great economist Wassily Leontief responded 35 years ago to those who argued technology would never really...

First Experimental Demonstration of a Quantum Enigma Machine
From ACM News

First Experimental Demonstration of a Quantum Enigma Machine

One of the great unsung heroes of 20th century science was a mathematician and engineer at the famous Bell Laboratories in New Jersey called Claude Shannon.

Companies Are Stockpiling Bitcoin to Pay Off Cybercriminals
From ACM Careers

Companies Are Stockpiling Bitcoin to Pay Off Cybercriminals

Digital currency Bitcoin is variously promoted as an alternative to gold, a good way to make international transfers, or the future of e-commerce. New research...

Crooks Are ­sing an International Messaging System to Rob Banks
From ACM Careers

Crooks Are ­sing an International Messaging System to Rob Banks

The central bank of Bangladesh was the victim of one of the biggest bank heists of all time in February, when thieves made off with $81 million.

Plan to Synthesize Human Genome Elicits Mixed Response
From ACM News

Plan to Synthesize Human Genome Elicits Mixed Response

Proposals for a large public-private initiative to synthesize an entire human genome from scratch—an effort that could take a decade and require billions of dollars...

Hands-On Science Courses Boost Graduation Rates and STEM Retention
From ACM Careers

Hands-On Science Courses Boost Graduation Rates and STEM Retention

Courses that engage college students in conducting scientific research early on can dramatically increase students' odds of completing a STEM degree, a new study...

How 'robo Recruiters' Could Affect Your Job Prospects
From ACM Careers

How 'robo Recruiters' Could Affect Your Job Prospects

Next time you apply for a job, it could be a computer algorithm deciding whether or not you fit the bill.

Digital Forensics: From the Crime Lab to the Library
From ACM News

Digital Forensics: From the Crime Lab to the Library

When archivists at California's Stanford University received the collected papers of the late palaeontologist Stephen Jay Gould in 2004, they knew right away they...

Techies Are Trying to Turn the Nba Into the World's Biggest Sports League
From ACM Careers

Techies Are Trying to Turn the Nba Into the World's Biggest Sports League

In 2014, the Los Angeles Clippers were just getting used to being a good basketball team.
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