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Left Behind in the Mobile Revolution, Intel Struggles to Innovate
From ACM Opinion

Left Behind in the Mobile Revolution, Intel Struggles to Innovate

Intel was once known for its success in branding personal computers with microprocessors, a technology that fueled the digital revolution. But the Silicon Valley...

Uk Graphene Inquiry Reveals Commercial Struggles
From ACM Careers

Uk Graphene Inquiry Reveals Commercial Struggles

The £61-million (US$89-million) National Graphene Institute (NGI) at the University of Manchester, UK, has been open for little more than a year. But a parliamentary...

Poor Neighborhoods, Poor Mobile Signal
From ACM Careers

Poor Neighborhoods, Poor Mobile Signal

A new study shows a mobile divide between individuals and households in urban or affluent areas and those in rural or lower-income areas.

Custom Technology Allow Computers to Train Service Dogs More Efficiently
From ACM Careers

Custom Technology Allow Computers to Train Service Dogs More Efficiently

North Carolina State University researchers have developed and used a customized suite of technologies that allows a computer to train a dog autonomously, with...

Claude Shannon, the Father of the Information Age, Turns 1100100
From ACM News

Claude Shannon, the Father of the Information Age, Turns 1100100

Twelve years ago, Robert McEliece, a mathematician and engineer at Caltech, won the Claude E. Shannon Award, the highest honor in the field of information theory...

Statheads Are the Best Free Agent Bargains in Baseball
From ACM Careers

Statheads Are the Best Free Agent Bargains in Baseball

It's getting more and more crowded on baseball’s bleeding edge. As sabermetrics has expanded to swallow new disciplines and data sets,1 the number of quantitative...

AI Talent Grab Sparks Excitement and Concern
From ACM Careers

AI Talent Grab Sparks Excitement and Concern

When Andrew Ng joined Google from Stanford University in 2011, he was among a trickle of artificial-intelligence (AI) experts in academia taking up roles in industry...

The Quiet Revolutionary: How the Co-Discovery of CRISPR Explosively Changed Emmanuelle Charpentier’s Life
From ACM Careers

The Quiet Revolutionary: How the Co-Discovery of CRISPR Explosively Changed Emmanuelle Charpentier’s Life

Emmanuelle Charpentier's office is bare, save for her computer.

Can Technology Help Teach Literacy in Poor Communities?
From ACM Careers

Can Technology Help Teach Literacy in Poor Communities?

A project to provide tablet computers loaded with literacy applications to young children in economically disadvantaged communities has reported encouraging results...

The Rise of China's Millionaire Research Scientists
From ACM Careers

The Rise of China's Millionaire Research Scientists

The Chinese government's push to put science and technology at the forefront of the nation's development is creating new breed of highly-paid scientific academics...

Future Smartphones Will Tell You What's Killing Your Plants
From ACM Careers

Future Smartphones Will Tell You What's Killing Your Plants

A farmer in the Philippines walks through his rice paddies and sees worrying orange smears on his crops.

Researchers Explain How Stereotypes Keep Girls Out of Computer Science Classes
From ACM Careers

Researchers Explain How Stereotypes Keep Girls Out of Computer Science Classes

Stereotypes are a powerful force driving girls away from STEM fields. Even though stereotypes are often inaccurate, children absorb them at an early age and are...

What Cyberwar Against Isis Should Look Like
From ACM Opinion

What Cyberwar Against Isis Should Look Like

Pentagon officials have publicly said, in recent weeks, that they're hitting ISIS not only with bullets and bombs but also with cyberoffensive operations.

Computers That Crush Humans at Games Might Have Met Their Match: 'starcraft'
From ACM News

Computers That Crush Humans at Games Might Have Met Their Match: 'starcraft'

Humanity has fallen to artificial intelligence in checkers, chess, and, last month, Go, the complex ancient Chinese board game.

Apple Services Shut Down in China in Startling About-Face
From ACM Careers

Apple Services Shut Down in China in Startling About-Face

For years, there has been a limit to the success of American technology companies in China. Capture too much market share or wield too much influence, and Beijing...

Nasa Seeks Industry Ideas For an Advanced Mars Satellite
From ACM Careers

Nasa Seeks Industry Ideas For an Advanced Mars Satellite

NASA is soliciting ideas from U.S. industry for designs of a Mars orbiter for potential launch in the 2020s. The satellite would provide advanced communications...

Google is Funding Screenplays That Change the Image of Computer Science
From ACM Careers

Google is Funding Screenplays That Change the Image of Computer Science

Google wants to help change the way computer science is depicted in the media, so the company is funding a new grant for screenwriters.

Rules For Cyberwarfare Still ­nclear, Even as ­.s. Engages In It
From ACM News

Rules For Cyberwarfare Still ­nclear, Even as ­.s. Engages In It

When Defense Secretary Ashton Carter landed in Iraq for a surprise visit this week, he came armed with this news: More than 200 additional U.S. troops are headed...

Who's the Michael Jordan of Computer Science? New Tool Ranks Researchers' Influence
From ACM News

Who's the Michael Jordan of Computer Science? New Tool Ranks Researchers' Influence

Last fall, the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Seattle, Washington, launched a challenge to Google Scholar, PubMed, and other online search engines...

He Catches What ­mps Might Miss
From ACM Careers

He Catches What ­mps Might Miss

Brett Weber, drafted by the Yankees in the 14th round in 1998, never rose above Class A in the minor leagues. Now he watches their home games from a windowless...
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