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The Ipad Has Arrived to (someday) Change Baseball Forever
From ACM Careers

The Ipad Has Arrived to (someday) Change Baseball Forever

Minutes before the Seattle Mariners and Oakland Athletics trot onto the field during an overcast May afternoon, A's bullpen coach Scott Emerson strides along the...

Girls from Progressive Societies Do Better at Math, Study Finds
From ACM Careers

Girls from Progressive Societies Do Better at Math, Study Finds

Research has found that the "math gender gap" — the relative underperformance of girls at math — is much wider in societies with poor rates of gender equality.

We Know Where You Live
From ACM Careers

We Know Where You Live

Researchers have shown that the location stamps on just a handful of Twitter posts can disclose the addresses of the poster's home and workplace to a relatively...

Hackers Find Dozens of Ways into Pentagon Servers—With Permission
From ACM Careers

Hackers Find Dozens of Ways into Pentagon Servers—With Permission

The Pentagon asked hackers to take a crack at its servers, and in response 1,400 hackers found 90 ways in, according to a tweet from the CEO of HackerOne on Friday...

Cybersecurity Sleuths Learn to Think Like Hackers
From ACM Careers

Cybersecurity Sleuths Learn to Think Like Hackers

About 35 high-school students sit at neatly arranged rows of tables in the university's gym. Another 115 college-level contestants surround the high schoolers.

Will Robot Cars Drive Traffic Congestion Off a Cliff?
From ACM Careers

Will Robot Cars Drive Traffic Congestion Off a Cliff?

Self-driving cars are expected to usher in a new era of mobility, safety, and convenience. The problem, say transportation researchers, is that people will use...

China's Virtual Reality Market Will Be Worth $8.5 Billion and Everyone Wants a Piece
From ACM Careers

China's Virtual Reality Market Will Be Worth $8.5 Billion and Everyone Wants a Piece

Hip-hop dancers, military marchers and daredevils in winged suits are bringing China's Internet titans into the world of virtual reality.

How to Hack the Hackers: The Human Side of Cyber Crime
From ACM News

How to Hack the Hackers: The Human Side of Cyber Crime

Say what you will about cybercriminals, says Angela Sasse, "their victims rave about the customer service".

Pentagon Turns to Silicon Valley For Edge in Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

Pentagon Turns to Silicon Valley For Edge in Artificial Intelligence

In its quest to maintain a United States military advantage, the Pentagon is aggressively turning to Silicon Valley’s hottest technology—artificial intelligence...

After Three Weeks in China, It's Clear Beijing Is Silicon Valley's Only True Competitor
From ACM Opinion

After Three Weeks in China, It's Clear Beijing Is Silicon Valley's Only True Competitor

After selling my startup, Shopkick, to SK Planet in 2014, and handing over my CEO role a year later, I packed up my 1- and 3-year-old sons and my wife Angel, and...

Gene Variants Linked to Success at School Prove Divisive
From ACM Careers

Gene Variants Linked to Success at School Prove Divisive

The largest-ever genetics study in the social sciences has turned up dozens of DNA markers that are linked to the number of years of formal education an individual...

Huawei Prepares For Robot Overlords and Communication with the Dead
From ACM Opinion

Huawei Prepares For Robot Overlords and Communication with the Dead

Chinese technology giant Huawei is preparing for a world where people live forever, dead relatives linger on in computers and robots try to kill humans.

In Indian Science and Technology Research, Quantity Trumps Quality
From ACM Careers

In Indian Science and Technology Research, Quantity Trumps Quality

India's scientific publications grew 13.9%, as against the global average of 4.1%, between 2009 and 2013, according to a new report. But the paper output has not...

What Are Chatbots? And Why Does Big Tech Love Them So Much?
From ACM Careers

What Are Chatbots? And Why Does Big Tech Love Them So Much?

Chatbots! They're all the rage: Kik has them, Facebook wants them, and it seems like every computer coder wants to make them. But what are they? And why is every...

Young Women in STEM Fields Earn ­p to One-Third Less Than Men
From ACM Careers

Young Women in STEM Fields Earn ­p to One-Third Less Than Men

One year after they graduate, women with Ph.D.s in science and engineering fields earn 31 percent less than do men, according to a new study using previously unavailable...

Like It or Not, Facebook Has the Right to Choose Your News
From ACM Opinion

Like It or Not, Facebook Has the Right to Choose Your News

There's an old saying that you shouldn't pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel.

Silicon Valley's GOP Eite Hate Trump, But Don't Know Whether to Vote for Clinton
From ACM Careers

Silicon Valley's GOP Eite Hate Trump, But Don't Know Whether to Vote for Clinton

Silicon Valley is coming to terms with a new type of disruption: Donald Trump as the Republican Party's presumptive presidential nominee. 

Want to Raise a Tech Entrepreneur? Give Your Child These Chores.
From ACM Careers

Want to Raise a Tech Entrepreneur? Give Your Child These Chores.

Many families introduce their children to the world of work before they bring up the idea of entrepreneurship. But you don't need to limit your children’s earning...

The Gene Editor Crispr Won't Fully Fix Sick People Anytime Soon. Here's Why
From ACM News

The Gene Editor Crispr Won't Fully Fix Sick People Anytime Soon. Here's Why

This week, scientists will gather in Washington, D.C., for an annual meeting devoted to gene therapy—a long-struggling field that has clawed its way back to respectability...

Is the Tech Bubble Popping? Ping Pong Offers an Answer
From ACM Careers

Is the Tech Bubble Popping? Ping Pong Offers an Answer

Twitter's gloomy quarterly report last week unsettled investors. They might have anticipated trouble more than a year ago had they noticed one key indicator.
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