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Resarchers Create AI 'Prosecutor' That Can Charge People With Crimes
From ACM Careers

Resarchers Create AI 'Prosecutor' That Can Charge People With Crimes

Researchers in China have created an AI that can reportedly identify crimes and file charges against criminals.

Tech Workers Arm Themselves With Salary Data
From ACM TechNews

Tech Workers Arm Themselves With Salary Data

Technology workers increasingly are gathering salary data amid an environment often hostile to open discussions about employee earnings.

Employee Background Check Errors Harm Thousands of Workers
From ACM Careers

Employee Background Check Errors Harm Thousands of Workers

Errors in background checks are problematic for employers and potential employees, and problems could worsen with increased use of data collection, AI, and automation...

Reliance Foundation Offers Scholarships for 100 Tech Students
From ACM Careers

Reliance Foundation Offers Scholarships for 100 Tech Students

Reliance Foundation will offer scholarships to 100 undergraduate and postgraduate students pursuing degrees in artificial intelligence, computer science, mathematics...

Study Shows Factors on Quantum Computation Speed Limit
From ACM Careers

Study Shows Factors on Quantum Computation Speed Limit

Physicists at the University of Bonn and the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology devised an experiment to find which factors determine how fast a quantum...

Engineers Produce 140m Flexible Rechargeable Battery
From ACM Careers

Engineers Produce 140m Flexible Rechargeable Battery

Researchers have developed a rechargeable lithium-ion battery in the form of an ultra-long fiber that could be woven into fabrics.

Inside Ubisoft's Unprecedented 'Exodus' of Developers
From ACM Careers

Inside Ubisoft's Unprecedented 'Exodus' of Developers

The wave of resignations impacting scores of industries this year has been felt acutely at Ubisoft, with current and former developers citing a range of factors...

Computer Simulations Stay a Step Ahead of Invasive Insect Species
From ACM Careers

Computer Simulations Stay a Step Ahead of Invasive Insect Species

Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have developed a simulation predicting the spread of an invasive beetle species harming local flora in Japan's Saitama...

The New Get-Rich-Faster Job in Silicon Valley: Crypto Start-Ups
From ACM Careers

The New Get-Rich-Faster Job in Silicon Valley: Crypto Start-Ups

Tech executives and engineers are quitting Google, Meta, Amazon and other large companies for what they say is a once-in-generation opportunity with crypto.

Money Is Still Main Motivation for Developers Seeking New Jobs
From ACM Careers

Money Is Still Main Motivation for Developers Seeking New Jobs

A survey by Stack Overflow finds that salary, flexibility, and opportunities to learn are the top reasons engineers look for a new job.

Checking Email Over Christmas? Uh-Oh
From ACM Careers

Checking Email Over Christmas? Uh-Oh

Workers who let the job creep into their holiday downtime may be putting their health at risk, according to research from the University of South Australia.

How Computing Empowered Me to Tackle Big Problems in Medicine
From Communications of the ACM

How Computing Empowered Me to Tackle Big Problems in Medicine

What have I learned that might be helpful in preparing aspiring computer scientists to lead impactful and meaningful professional lives?

Project Aims to Optimize Workflows to Amplify AI for Science
From ACM Careers

Project Aims to Optimize Workflows to Amplify AI for Science

The Poseidon distributed computing and data infrastructure project at Argonne National Laboratory is paving the way for faster scientific discoveries at the U.S...

ACM Recognizes 2021 Distinguished Members for Pivotal Contributions
From ACM Careers

ACM Recognizes 2021 Distinguished Members for Pivotal Contributions

ACM has named 63 Distinguished Members, selected by their peers for outstanding educational, engineering, and scientific contributions to the field of computing...

IBM, Samsung Unveil Vertical Transistor Architecture
From ACM Careers

IBM, Samsung Unveil Vertical Transistor Architecture

IBM and Samsung Electronics announced the Vertical Transport Field-Effect Transistors (VTFET) design that potentially extends Moore's Law scaling beyond current...

Algorithm Can Repair Missing Data in Event Logs
From ACM Careers

Algorithm Can Repair Missing Data in Event Logs

Researchers from Pusan National University and Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a method that can restore missing data in an event log using imputation...

Entrepreneur Proves It's Never Too Late to Start Again
From ACM Careers

Entrepreneur Proves It's Never Too Late to Start Again

After 17 years in computer science, Geetha Manjunath returned to school to get a Ph.D. in artificial intelligence and data mining. In 2016 she co-founded Niramai...

Researchers Propose Cyber Protections Against 'Logic Bombs'
From ACM Careers

Researchers Propose Cyber Protections Against 'Logic Bombs'

Cybersecurity researchers at Rutgers University-New Brunswick and the Georgia Institute of Technology have proposed new ways to protect 3D printed objects from...

Tech Talent Shortage Looms Behind Return-to-Office Delays
From ACM Careers

Tech Talent Shortage Looms Behind Return-to-Office Delays

One reason tech companies keep postponing their plans to return to the office is a fear of losing workers

Researchers Train Model to Distinguish Gunshots From Similar Sounds
From ACM Careers

Researchers Train Model to Distinguish Gunshots From Similar Sounds

In an experimental study, researchers from Florida Atlantic University trained a classification model based on a convolutional neural network to differentiate gunshot...
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