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In Silicon Valley, a Time-Honored Sport Looks to the Future
From ACM Careers

In Silicon Valley, a Time-Honored Sport Looks to the Future

On any given Sunday during football season, the N.F.L., a league that promotes itself as a standard-bearer of innovation, produces games that are analog at their...

AI Is Transforming Google Search. The Rest of the Web Is Next
From ACM Opinion

AI Is Transforming Google Search. The Rest of the Web Is Next

Yesterday, the 46-year-old Google veteran who oversees its search engine, Amit Singhal, announced his retirement. And in short order, Google revealed that Singhal's...

Particle's Electron Is a 'cellular Arduino' with a Global Data Plan
From ACM Careers

Particle's Electron Is a 'cellular Arduino' with a Global Data Plan

Particle, a company that makes development kits for wireless Internet of Things applications—formerly known as Spark Devices—is preparing to ship a new board-based...

Drone Schools Spread in China to Field Pilots For New Sector
From ACM Careers

Drone Schools Spread in China to Field Pilots For New Sector

Joysticks at their fingertips, the mostly male students packing the classroom lift their virtual helicopters into the air, part of a new cottage industry that's...

Navigating Facebook When You Can't See Faces
From ACM Careers

Navigating Facebook When You Can't See Faces

Information science researchers suggest that the technology used on Facebook and other social media sites should be adapted to improve accessibility for blind people...

Larry Page, Google Founder, Is Still Innovator in Chief
From ACM Careers

Larry Page, Google Founder, Is Still Innovator in Chief

Three years ago, Charles Chase, an engineer who manages Lockheed Martin's nuclear fusion program, was sitting on a white leather couch at Google's Solve for X conference...

Catching Heartbeats with Millimeter-Wave Radar
From ACM Careers

Catching Heartbeats with Millimeter-Wave Radar

Researchers at Kyoto University and Panasonic Corp. have developed a sensing system that combines millimeter-wave radar and a signal analysis algorithm to measure...

Ibm, Michigan Partner on Advanced Conversational Computing System
From ACM Careers

Ibm, Michigan Partner on Advanced Conversational Computing System

The University of Michigan and IBM have launched a $4.5 million collaboration to develop a new class of conversational technologies that will enable people to interact...

Google Maps Guesses Where You're Headed Now
From ACM Careers

Google Maps Guesses Where You're Headed Now

Alphabet Inc.'s Google is using its Android mobile operating system and algorithmic smarts to predict users' wants and needs.

Ibm's Latest Patent Trove Looks to Make Computers More Humanlike
From ACM Careers

Ibm's Latest Patent Trove Looks to Make Computers More Humanlike

No matter how much we love our devices, they have more than a few shortcomings.

Autonomous Car Makers Hand Over Data on Glitches and Failures to California Dmv
From ACM Careers

Autonomous Car Makers Hand Over Data on Glitches and Failures to California Dmv

If you want to build a self-driving car and test it on public roads in California, the state's Department of Motor Vehicles says that every year you have to submit...

In Pursuit of an Affordable Tablet For the Blind
From ACM News

In Pursuit of an Affordable Tablet For the Blind

An inexpensive, full-page braille tablet could make topics like science and math more easily accessible to the blind, according to a team of researchers who have...

Prediction Machines Will See the Future For Hedge Funds, CIA
From ACM News

Prediction Machines Will See the Future For Hedge Funds, CIA

Every time a new year rolls in, lots of people make predictions. Most will either be obvious (Apple will put out some new products) or wrong (still waiting for...

­.s. Meets Tech Leaders, Forms Task Force to Fight Online Militants
From ACM News

­.s. Meets Tech Leaders, Forms Task Force to Fight Online Militants

The Obama administration on Friday sent its top national security officials to meet tech industry leaders in Silicon Valley and announced a new task force to counter...

Drones Aren't Just Toys Anymore
From ACM Careers

Drones Aren't Just Toys Anymore

When you think of a certain kind of drone—the quadcopter, not those UAVs running missions in Waziristan—you might picture overeager dads abandoning their Christmas...

Automakers, Not Silicon Valley, Lead in Driverless Car Patents: Study
From ACM Careers

Automakers, Not Silicon Valley, Lead in Driverless Car Patents: Study

Automakers, not technology companies, are in the driver's seat in developing self-driving, "autonomous" cars, and Japan's Toyota Motor Corp is best positioned to...

The Brain-Computer Duel: Do We Have Free Will?
From ACM Careers

The Brain-Computer Duel: Do We Have Free Will?

Researchers at Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin used computer-based brain experiments to study the decision-making processes involved in voluntary movements.

Learning to Apply Data Science to Business Problems
From ACM Opinion

Learning to Apply Data Science to Business Problems

One of the most exciting parts of data science is that it can be applied to many domains of knowledge, given our newfound ability to gather valuable data on almost...

Tackling World's Problems with Human-Computer Intelligence
From ACM Careers

Tackling World's Problems with Human-Computer Intelligence

The combination of human and computer intelligence might be just what's needed to find solutions to problems that neither can solve alone, say researchers from...

How a Nation of Tech Copycats Transformed Into a Hub for Innovation
From ACM Careers

How a Nation of Tech Copycats Transformed Into a Hub for Innovation

The young programmer had an idea, and everyone thought it was nuts.
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