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Automakers Go Back to School to Learn to Build Self-Driving Cars
From ACM Careers

Automakers Go Back to School to Learn to Build Self-Driving Cars

Automakers didn't build the self-driving car: Google did.

Pentagon Paying Techies to Think Like Terrorists
From ACM Careers

Pentagon Paying Techies to Think Like Terrorists

To stop a terrorist, it helps to think like one.

Smartwatches Can Now Track Your Finger in Mid-Air ­sing Sonar
From ACM Careers

Smartwatches Can Now Track Your Finger in Mid-Air ­sing Sonar

A sonar technology developed at the University of Washington allows users to interact with mobile devices by writing or gesturing on any nearby surface.

In the Age of Google Deepmind, Do the Young Go Prodigies of Asia Have a Future?
From ACM Careers

In the Age of Google Deepmind, Do the Young Go Prodigies of Asia Have a Future?

Choong-am Dojang is far from a typical Korean school. Its best pupils will never study history or math, nor will they receive traditional high-school diplomas.

After Alphago, What's Next For Ai?
From ACM Opinion

After Alphago, What's Next For Ai?

AlphaGo's victories against legendary Go player Lee Se-dol over the last few days mark a major milestone in AI research.

Play This Game and Win a Job!
From ACM Careers

Play This Game and Win a Job!

Last fall, Barclays PLC began testing a new tool for attracting young job applicants: a mobile video game.

What Happens When the Surveillance State Becomes an Affordable Gadget?
From ACM News

What Happens When the Surveillance State Becomes an Affordable Gadget?

When Daniel Rigmaiden was a little boy, his grandfather, a veteran of World War II and Korea, used to drive him along the roads of Monterey, California, playing...

The ­.s. Government Launches a $100-Million 'apollo Project of the Brain'
From ACM News

The ­.s. Government Launches a $100-Million 'apollo Project of the Brain'

Three decades ago, the U.S. government launched the Human Genome Project, a 13-year endeavor to sequence and map all the genes of the human species.

Cothority to Apple: Let's Make Secret Backdoors Impossible
From ACM Careers

Cothority to Apple: Let's Make Secret Backdoors Impossible

Cothority, a new software project designed to make secret backdoored software updates nearly impossible, is offering to help Apple ensure that any secret court...

One-In-Three Developers Fear A.i. Will Replace Them
From ACM Careers

One-In-Three Developers Fear A.i. Will Replace Them

What keeps software developers up at night, other than coding? The fear that artificial intelligence systems can replace them, according to a new survey.

Europe's Antitrust Enforcer on Google, Apple and the Year Ahead
From ACM Opinion

Europe's Antitrust Enforcer on Google, Apple and the Year Ahead

Margrethe Vestager is already having a busy 2016.

Why Digital Security Is an 'arms Race' Between Firms and the Feds
From ACM Opinion

Why Digital Security Is an 'arms Race' Between Firms and the Feds

The Apple-FBI standoff, where Apple is refusing to write special software that would help investigators crack into an iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters...

Tech Companies, New and Old, Clamor to Entice Cloud Computing Experts
From ACM Careers

Tech Companies, New and Old, Clamor to Entice Cloud Computing Experts

Amazon Web Services, a globe-spanning cloud computing network that is part of the online retailing giant Amazon, has rapidly become one of the most powerful forces...

Pentagon Hackers Are Waging America’s First Cyberwar
From ACM News

Pentagon Hackers Are Waging America’s First Cyberwar

U.S. politicians have long threatened America's enemies with tanks, planes, submarines, and nuclear missiles. Last week defense secretary Ashton Carter leveled...

A Plan in Case Robots Take the Jobs: Give Everyone a Paycheck
From ACM Opinion

A Plan in Case Robots Take the Jobs: Give Everyone a Paycheck

Let's say computers come for most of our jobs. This may not seem likely at the moment; computer scientists and economists offer wildly varying ideas for how deeply...

How To Tame Your Robot
From ACM Careers

How To Tame Your Robot

Madeline Gannon, a Ph.D. candidate at Carnegie Mellon University, has put the power of interacting with robots into a user's hands — literally. She's designed open...

Ford's Futurist Knows Kids Today See Status in Their Smartphones, Not Cars
From ACM Opinion

Ford's Futurist Knows Kids Today See Status in Their Smartphones, Not Cars

There can't be many job titles out there cooler than "futurist." And earlier this week, I sat down with Sheryl Connelly, who holds that position at the Ford Motor...

In Emergencies, Should You Trust a Robot?
From ACM Careers

In Emergencies, Should You Trust a Robot?

In emergencies, people may trust robots too much for their own safety, a new study suggests.

The Plan to Give Every Cellphone ­ser Free Data
From ACM Careers

The Plan to Give Every Cellphone ­ser Free Data

More than half the people on the planet still don't have Internet access. But figuring out how to get them online is as much of a political challenge as it is a...

Google's Artificial Intelligence Gets Its First Art Show
From ACM Careers

Google's Artificial Intelligence Gets Its First Art Show

On Friday evening, inside an old-movie-house-cum-art-gallery at the heart of San Francisco's Mission district, Google graphics guru Blaise Agüera y Arcas delivered...
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