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Apple Is Getting More Bang For Its R&d Buck
From ACM Careers

Apple Is Getting More Bang For Its R&d Buck

Silicon Valley is aglow from so-called moonshots.

Can Coding Make the Classroom Better?
From ACM Careers

Can Coding Make the Classroom Better?

Diagrams of simple machines—a pulley, an inclined plane, a lever—appeared on the massive whiteboard of a school STEAM lab (science, technology, engineering, and...

Crowdsourcing Competition Examines How Cancers Originate And Evolve
From ACM Careers

Crowdsourcing Competition Examines How Cancers Originate And Evolve

An international consortium has created a public challenge to optimize the discovery of genetically distinct groups of cells within cancers that could respond differently...

How to Get Students to Stop ­sing Their Cellphones in Class
From ACM Careers

How to Get Students to Stop ­sing Their Cellphones in Class

Almost all college students have a cellphone. They use them an average of eight to 10 hours a day and check them an average of every 15 to 20 minutes while they're...

To Study the Brain, a Doctor Puts Himself Under the Knife
From ACM Careers

To Study the Brain, a Doctor Puts Himself Under the Knife

Phil Kennedy no longer saw any other way to get the data.

Relax: You Won't Be Replaced by a Robot
From ACM Careers

Relax: You Won't Be Replaced by a Robot

Don't think a robot could take your job?

Toyota Invests $1 Billion in Artificial Intelligence in ­.s.
From ACM News

Toyota Invests $1 Billion in Artificial Intelligence in ­.s.

Silicon Valley is diving into artificial intelligence technology, with start-ups sprouting up and Google and Facebook pouring vast sums into projects that would...

How to Make Better Visualizations
From ACM Careers

How to Make Better Visualizations

Eye-tracking research reveals which types of visualizations best convey information and make it memorable. 

Inside the Economics of Hacking
From ACM Careers

Inside the Economics of Hacking

Imagine getting $1 million for finding a security weakness in a mobile operating system.

Troubled Billion-Euro Brain Project Secures Another Three Years' Funding
From ACM Careers

Troubled Billion-Euro Brain Project Secures Another Three Years' Funding

Europe's troubled Human Brain Project (HBP) has secured guarantees of European Commission financing until at least 2019—but some scientists are still not sure that...

The Hot New Job in Silicon Valley Is Being a Robot's Assistant
From ACM Opinion

The Hot New Job in Silicon Valley Is Being a Robot's Assistant

"I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords." So goes the joke every time artificial intelligence threatens to supersede humans in another job.

The Room Where the Internet Was Born
From ACM Opinion

The Room Where the Internet Was Born

Starting a cross-country drive to New York in Los Angeles is pretty inconvenient, unless your cross-country drive is also a vision quest to see the Internet.

Apple's Deep Learning Curve
From ACM Opinion

Apple's Deep Learning Curve

In the world of artificial intelligence, one of the year's biggest coming-out parties is the Neural Information Processing Systems conference.

Can Detroit Beat Google to the Self-Driving Car?
From ACM Careers

Can Detroit Beat Google to the Self-Driving Car?

"I like to drive cars," says Mark Reuss, product development chief at General Motors, "so this is a little funny."

How Activists Are Forcing the White House to Say Where It Stands on Encryption
From ACM Careers

How Activists Are Forcing the White House to Say Where It Stands on Encryption

A petition calling for President Obama to support strong encryption and "reject any law, policy or mandate" that would undermine digital security reached 100,000...

Beyond Siri: Colorado State Researchers Are Bridging Human-Computer Interaction
From ACM Careers

Beyond Siri: Colorado State Researchers Are Bridging Human-Computer Interaction

Looking to transform human-computer interaction, Colorado State University researchers are developing technologies to help computers recognize non-verbal commands...

The Gop Has a Tech Talent Problem It Might Not Solve
From ACM Careers

The Gop Has a Tech Talent Problem It Might Not Solve

Scott Walker's withdrawal from the 2016 presidential race last month was tough on staffers like Matt Oczkowski—as it turns out, tougher than he thought.

Google Turning Its Lucrative Web Search Over to AI Machines
From ACM News

Google Turning Its Lucrative Web Search Over to AI Machines

When Google-parent Alphabet Inc. reported eye-popping earnings last week its executives couldn’t stop talking up the company's investments in machine learning and...

­p to 27 Seconds of Inattention After Talking to Your Car or Smartphone
From ACM Careers

­p to 27 Seconds of Inattention After Talking to Your Car or Smartphone

It takes a driver up to 27 seconds to regain full attention after issuing voice commands to a smartphone or car infotainment system while driving, University of...

You Wouldn't Think It, But Typeface Piracy Is a Big Problem
From ACM News

You Wouldn't Think It, But Typeface Piracy Is a Big Problem

It's safe to assume that most people have no idea that fonts, like music or movies, are protected by intellectual property laws, they usually come with a hefty...
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