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Computer Chess: Longest-Running Experiment in Computing Science
From ACM Careers

Computer Chess: Longest-Running Experiment in Computing Science

On August 31, 1970, an experiment began that continues to this day. The first chess tournament for computers was held as part of the ACM's 25th National Conference...

Can't Concentrate at Work? This AI System Knows Why
From ACM Careers

Can't Concentrate at Work? This AI System Knows Why

Computer scientists have developed a way to measure staff comfort and concentration in flexible working spaces using artificial intelligence.

App Uses AI, Biomarkers to Produce Covid-19 'Severity Score'
From ACM Careers

App Uses AI, Biomarkers to Produce Covid-19 'Severity Score'

A new mobile app uses artificial intelligence and key biomarkers to produce a Covid-19 "severity score" to help clinicians determine which patients with the novel...

Researchers' Paper-Thin Gallium Oxide Transistor Handles More Than 8,000 Volts
From ACM Careers

Researchers' Paper-Thin Gallium Oxide Transistor Handles More Than 8,000 Volts

Electrical engineers at the University at Buffalo are developing a gallium oxide-based transistor that's paper-thin and able to handle more than 8,000 volts.

Microsoft Sacks Journalists, Replaces Them With AI Software
From ACM Careers

Microsoft Sacks Journalists, Replaces Them With AI Software

Users of the homepages of the MSN website and Edge browser will now see news stories generated by AI.

More Students Are 'Stacking' Credentials en Route to a Degree
From ACM Careers

More Students Are 'Stacking' Credentials en Route to a Degree

The economic toll of the coronavirus pandemic is giving non-traditional education programs, known variously as "stackable credentials" or "microcredentials," a...

Software Helps Scientists Create Specialized Data Storage Services
From ACM Careers

Software Helps Scientists Create Specialized Data Storage Services

Researchers are working on a software-defined approach to storage services that allows scientists to pull from a collection of modules to create a data storage...

Which Degrees Do Software Developers Earn?
From ACM Careers

Which Degrees Do Software Developers Earn?

A Stack Overflow survey of professional developers reveals the different educational pathways they use and the degrees they obtain on the way to their full-time...

Dutch Restaurant Will Reopen With Robot Waiters
From ACM Careers

Dutch Restaurant Will Reopen With Robot Waiters

Two robots will greet customers, serve food, and observe social distancing at the Royal Palace when the restaurant reopens in Renesse, the Netherlands.

Team Duetto Takes First Place in All-Woman Virtual Hackathon
From ACM Careers

Team Duetto Takes First Place in All-Woman Virtual Hackathon

A group of five female tech engineers from Duetto recently won first place in the Women Hack the Crisis Global All-Women Virtual Hackathon event, with their Hotel...

Google Rescinds Offers to Thousands of Contract Workers
From ACM Careers

Google Rescinds Offers to Thousands of Contract Workers

Google, facing an advertising slump due to the coronavirus pandemic, has rescinded offers to several thousand people who had agreed to work at the company as temporary...

Tech Workers Fear Their Jobs Will Be Automated in Wake of Virus
From ACM Careers

Tech Workers Fear Their Jobs Will Be Automated in Wake of Virus

Technology-sector employees are more concerned than workers in other industries about being replaced by automation, KPMG says.

Gamemakers Inject AI to Develop More Lifelike Characters
From ACM Careers

Gamemakers Inject AI to Develop More Lifelike Characters

Researchers from Electronic Arts and the University of British Columbia are using a machine learning technique to speed up the videogame development process by...

Rediet Abebe Is Cornell's First Black Female CS Ph.D.
From ACM Careers

Rediet Abebe Is Cornell's First Black Female CS Ph.D.

Rediet Abebe, the first black woman to earn a doctorate at Cornell in computer science, is blazing trails not just for herself, but for others, too.

Most Employees Feel Just as Productive Working From Home
From ACM Careers

Most Employees Feel Just as Productive Working From Home

Employees' positions within a company, living situations, and gender have a major influence on perceptions of productivity and satisfaction while working remotely...

Supercomputer Simulates Impact of Asteroid That Wiped Out Dinosaurs
From ACM Careers

Supercomputer Simulates Impact of Asteroid That Wiped Out Dinosaurs

Using high performance computing facilities, scientists at Imperial College in London simulated the asteroid strike that hit the Earth some 66 millions of years...

Texas Instruments Makes It Harder to Run Programs on Its Calculators
From ACM Careers

Texas Instruments Makes It Harder to Run Programs on Its Calculators

Texas Instruments is pulling support for assembly- and C-based programs on the TI-84 Plus CE calculator and its French counterpart. The move is meant to prevent...

Tool Uses Machine Learning to Spot Bugs Early in Code Development Cycle
From ACM Careers

Tool Uses Machine Learning to Spot Bugs Early in Code Development Cycle

Altran's Code Defect AI identifies potential problems in software development and suggest fixes.

Hatch Coding Wins 2020 EdTech Digest Cool Tool Award
From ACM Careers

Hatch Coding Wins 2020 EdTech Digest Cool Tool Award

Hatch Coding's software won the 2020 EdTech Digest Award in the category of Coding, Computer Science, and Engineering Solution.

New Mars Landing Tech Offers Internship and Science Opportunity
From ACM Careers

New Mars Landing Tech Offers Internship and Science Opportunity

Intern Tiffany Shi joined the Jet Propulsion Laboratory team this past summer testing new technology for landing NASA's next rover on Mars.
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