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Nasa Seeks Industry Ideas For an Advanced Mars Satellite
From ACM Careers

Nasa Seeks Industry Ideas For an Advanced Mars Satellite

NASA is soliciting ideas from U.S. industry for designs of a Mars orbiter for potential launch in the 2020s. The satellite would provide advanced communications...

Rules For Cyberwarfare Still ­nclear, Even as ­.s. Engages In It
From ACM News

Rules For Cyberwarfare Still ­nclear, Even as ­.s. Engages In It

When Defense Secretary Ashton Carter landed in Iraq for a surprise visit this week, he came armed with this news: More than 200 additional U.S. troops are headed...

Who's the Michael Jordan of Computer Science? New Tool Ranks Researchers' Influence
From ACM News

Who's the Michael Jordan of Computer Science? New Tool Ranks Researchers' Influence

Last fall, the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Seattle, Washington, launched a challenge to Google Scholar, PubMed, and other online search engines...

He Catches What ­mps Might Miss
From ACM Careers

He Catches What ­mps Might Miss

Brett Weber, drafted by the Yankees in the 14th round in 1998, never rose above Class A in the minor leagues. Now he watches their home games from a windowless...

Lawful Hacking: Should, or Can, the Fbi Learn to Overcome Encryption Itself?
From ACM Careers

Lawful Hacking: Should, or Can, the Fbi Learn to Overcome Encryption Itself?

U.S. lawmakers Tuesday once again brought Apple, the FBI, security experts and law enforcement officials to testify on the ongoing debate over encryption and the...

In Romania, Vestiges of Communism Boost Women in Tech
From ACM Careers

In Romania, Vestiges of Communism Boost Women in Tech

Communism, which lasted in Romania for 43 years until 1989, is hardly a time worth longing for, with its food shortages, political prisoners, and secret police....

Attention Students: Put Your Laptops Away
From ACM Careers

Attention Students: Put Your Laptops Away

As laptops become smaller and more ubiquitous, and with the advent of tablets, the idea of taking notes by hand just seems old-fashioned to many students today.

You Pay to Read Research You Fund. That's Ludicrous
From ACM Opinion

You Pay to Read Research You Fund. That's Ludicrous

In 2011, developer and researcher Alexandra Elbakyan launched Sci-Hub, an online archive that shares research articles freely and openly without paywalls or restrictions...

Artificial Intelligence For Everyday ­se: Coming Soon
From ACM Careers

Artificial Intelligence For Everyday ­se: Coming Soon

Real-world artificial-intelligence applications are popping up in unexpected places—and much sooner than you might think.

Team Wins Lemelson-MIT Student Prize For Gloves That Translate Sign Language
From ACM Careers

Team Wins Lemelson-MIT Student Prize For Gloves That Translate Sign Language

Two University of Washington undergraduates have won a $10,000 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize for gloves that can translate sign language into text or speech.

Universities Aren't Doing Enough to Train the Cyberdefenders America Desperately Needs
From ACM Careers

Universities Aren't Doing Enough to Train the Cyberdefenders America Desperately Needs

The threat of hacking seems to lurk around every corner, but American universities may not be doing enough to prepare the next generation of cyberdefenders.

Top ­.s. ­ndergraduate Computer Science Programs Skip Cybersecurity Classes
From ACM Careers

Top ­.s. ­ndergraduate Computer Science Programs Skip Cybersecurity Classes

None of the top 10 U.S. university computer science and engineering program degrees requires students take a cybersecurity course.

Flagship Brain Project Releases Neuro-Computing Tools
From ACM Careers

Flagship Brain Project Releases Neuro-Computing Tools

Europe's major brain-research project has unveiled a set of prototype computing tools and called on the global neuroscience community to start using them.

Lots of Coders Are Self-Taught, According to Developer Survey
From ACM Careers

Lots of Coders Are Self-Taught, According to Developer Survey

More computer programmers are self-taught rather than graduates of coding "boot camps" or industry certification programs run by big tech companies, according to...

Top Computer Science ­niversity Revealed
From ACM Careers

Top Computer Science ­niversity Revealed

MIT was named the world's best university for the study of Computer Science, according to the QS World University Rankings. Stanford University was second and the...

Despite Gains, Women Still Seen as Incompatible with Stem Fields, Study Finds
From ACM Careers

Despite Gains, Women Still Seen as Incompatible with Stem Fields, Study Finds

A new study offers important clues as to how women scientists are perceived and how stereotypes might lead to prejudicial treatment. Ranks Online Bachelor's Degrees in Computer Science, It
From ACM Careers Ranks Online Bachelor's Degrees in Computer Science, It has released its newest college rankings list of 20 Affordable Online Bachelor's Degrees in Computer Science/ IT. 

Andy Grove's Warning to Silicon Valley
From ACM Opinion

Andy Grove's Warning to Silicon Valley

The praise this week for Andy Grove, who died on Monday at age 79, has been wrapped up in praise for Silicon Valley, where he was a towering figure in the semiconductor...

Remembering Silicon Valley's First Giant, Intel's Andrew Grove
From ACM Opinion

Remembering Silicon Valley's First Giant, Intel's Andrew Grove

Silicon Valley is full of logical absolutists, people who will follow a line of argument wherever it goes, no matter what the human repercussions.

Israel Cyber Cadets Train in Harry Potter-Inspired War Zone
From ACM Careers

Israel Cyber Cadets Train in Harry Potter-Inspired War Zone

The Israeli military's elite Cyber Command is honing its skills at Hogwarts.
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