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Why We Don't Trust Technology Companies
From ACM Opinion

Why We Don't Trust Technology Companies

Last October, T-Mobile made an astonishing announcement: from now on, when you travel internationally with a T-Mobile phone, you get free unlimited text messages...

Battery Offers Renewable Energy Breakthrough
From ACM Careers

Battery Offers Renewable Energy Breakthrough

Harvard technology could economically store energy for use when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine.

IBM Doubles Down on Watson
From ACM News

IBM Doubles Down on Watson

IBM plans to jumpstart Watson with a $100-million venture fund to build a business around the supercomputer that famously beat two human champions at the TV game...

STEM Initiative Introduces High-Tech Careers to Minority Students
From ACM TechNews

STEM Initiative Introduces High-Tech Careers to Minority Students

A program hosted by Temple University offers technology courses and mentoring to low-income students in Philadelphia to encourage them to pursue careers in science...

Data Scientists: It's New Rock Stars
From ACM TechNews

Data Scientists: It's New Rock Stars

Data scientists are emerging as some of the most sought-after professionals in today's technology job market.

Sculpting Geometry
From ACM News

Sculpting Geometry

Carlo Séquin lives in a world of impossible objects and mind-bending shapes.

Preview of Writing Code for Future
From ACM TechNews

Preview of Writing Code for Future

About 200 schools in Massachusetts participated in the Hour of Code, a nationwide campaign sponsored by aimed at introducing millions of students to programming...

10 Bold Predictions For 2014
From ACM Opinion

10 Bold Predictions For 2014

At the beginning of each year, it's possible to make predictions about the future of the tech sector simply by extrapolating from data in the latest Mary Meeker...

Boost Careers of Female Scientists: Let Women Help Choose Symposia Speakers
From ACM Careers

Boost Careers of Female Scientists: Let Women Help Choose Symposia Speakers

Women are notoriously underrepresented in senior academic science positions. New research suggests that putting more women in decision-making roles on the teams...

This Eerie Game Was Made by Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

This Eerie Game Was Made by Artificial Intelligence

If there's one human characteristic that’s difficult to emulate in artificial intelligence, it's creativity.

How To Track Vehicles Using Speed Data Alone
From ACM News

How To Track Vehicles Using Speed Data Alone

Location is a key indicator of personal travel patterns and habits.

Meet Alphalem, an Open Source Brain Just for Robots
From ACM Careers

Meet Alphalem, an Open Source Brain Just for Robots

For years, robotics was the domain of massively rich corporations.

From ACM Opinion

North Dakota Pitches Itself As a ­topia For Drones

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration named six sites dedicated to the research and testing of unmanned aerial systems, or drones.

Cs Professor Quantifies Elements of Writing That Differentiate Successful Fiction
From ACM Careers

Cs Professor Quantifies Elements of Writing That Differentiate Successful Fiction

Stony Brook University Assistant Professor Yejin Choi and colleagues have developed a tool  that examines the quantitative connection between writing style and...

Smartphone as Mentor: How Tech Could Change Behavior
From ACM Careers

Smartphone as Mentor: How Tech Could Change Behavior

University of Michigan engineering professor Jasprit Singh is investigating smartphones as mentors of mindfulness, helping users stay attentive in order to achieve...

Decade-Old Rover Adventure Continues on Mars and Earth
From ACM News

Decade-Old Rover Adventure Continues on Mars and Earth

Eighth graders didn't have Facebook or Twitter to share news back then, in January 2004.

Titan's Seas Get an Earthly Stand-In as Robot Explores Chilean Lake
From ACM News

Titan's Seas Get an Earthly Stand-In as Robot Explores Chilean Lake

Early Mars rovers had little more intelligence than a fancy remote-controlled car.

Stop Pouting About Tech's Next Big Thing, It's Here
From ACM Opinion

Stop Pouting About Tech's Next Big Thing, It's Here

It's easy to get jaded when you cover the technology industry.

Brainlike Computers, Learning From Experience
From ACM News

Brainlike Computers, Learning From Experience

Computers have entered the age when they are able to learn from their own mistakes, a development that is about to turn the digital world on its head.

How Microsoft's 1 Percenters Balance Basic Research with Short-Term Success
From ACM Opinion

How Microsoft's 1 Percenters Balance Basic Research with Short-Term Success

When Microsoft launched its research labs in 1991, the personal computer was just beginning to blossom into a worldwide phenomenon, thanks in no small part to Windows...
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