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Officials Say ­.s. May Never Know Extent of Snowden's Leaks
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Officials Say ­.s. May Never Know Extent of Snowden's Leaks

American intelligence and law enforcement investigators have concluded that they may never know the entirety of what the former National Security Agency contractor...

Picture of Health: A Selfie That May Save Your Life
From ACM Careers

Picture of Health: A Selfie That May Save Your Life

A new smartphone device can take an accurate iPhone camera selfie that can read the subject's cholesterol level in about a minute.

Google Adds to Its Menagerie of Robots
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Google Adds to Its Menagerie of Robots

BigDog, Cheetah, WildCat, and Atlas have joined Google's growing robot menagerie.

Green Innovator
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Green Innovator

University of Delaware Professor Richard Wool has been awarded the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award for his work developing bio-based materials to...

Virtually Immortal
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Virtually Immortal

Digital preservationists are on a mission to capture the world's threatened masterworks in all their 3-D glory.

Nasa's Chief Scientist on Mars, Moons, and Money
From ACM Opinion

Nasa's Chief Scientist on Mars, Moons, and Money

Planetary geologist Ellen Stofan joined NASA in August as the agency's chief scientist, an overarching role in which she advises on the science of all NASA programmes...

Graphene-Based Nano-Antennas May Enable Networks of Tiny Machines
From ACM Careers

Graphene-Based Nano-Antennas May Enable Networks of Tiny Machines

By taking advantage of the unique electronic properties of graphene, researchers believe they could generate a type of electronic surface wave that would allow...

Who Says Girls Can't Code?
From ACM Careers

Who Says Girls Can't Code?

Wellesley College students answer the "Hour of Code" call to action by devoting time this week to teaching computer programming to others.

Why We Can't Let American Tech Take Over the World
From ACM Opinion

Why We Can't Let American Tech Take Over the World

Whenever an app, a website, or a physical product like a gaming console is exported, it ships with a side of cultural influence.

Meet the Robot Telemarketer Who Denies She's A Robot
From ACM News

Meet the Robot Telemarketer Who Denies She's A Robot

The phone call came from a charming woman with a bright, engaging voice to the cell phone of a TIME Washington Bureau Chief Michael Scherer.

Aviation Schools Prepare For Boom in Drone Jobs
From ACM Careers

Aviation Schools Prepare For Boom in Drone Jobs

Two student pilots are seated shoulder to shoulder before a bank of video monitors, maneuvering an unmanned aircraft by keyboard and mouse as the drone descends...

Real-Time Virtualization Software to Enable Embedded Systems Integration
From ACM Careers

Real-Time Virtualization Software to Enable Embedded Systems Integration

The automobile industry is turning towards virtualization to circumvent the computational clunkiness and inefficiency of consolidating 100 separate, isolated microprocessors...

When Apple and Samsung Fight, the Lawyers Win
From ACM Careers

When Apple and Samsung Fight, the Lawyers Win

Pity the lawyers—except for those who practice intellectual property law.

A High Frequency, Low-Power Tunneling Transistor For High Performance Devices at Low Voltage
From ACM Careers

A High Frequency, Low-Power Tunneling Transistor For High Performance Devices at Low Voltage

Penn State researchers have proved the feasibility of a new type of transistor that could make possible fast and low-power computing devices for energy constrained...

Forget Hide and Seek: System Allows Through-Wall, 3-D Motion Tracking
From ACM Careers

Forget Hide and Seek: System Allows Through-Wall, 3-D Motion Tracking

New technology developed at MIT uses radio signals to track a person's location and movement through walls and obstructions, pinpointing his or her location to...

Doom's Creator Looks Back on 20 Years of Demonic Mayhem
From ACM Opinion

Doom's Creator Looks Back on 20 Years of Demonic Mayhem

At the stroke of midnight on December 10, 1993, an executive at id Software uploaded a file to an FTP site on the University of Washington's network.

Is Peer-Review Systemically Misogynist?
From ACM Careers

Is Peer-Review Systemically Misogynist?

Women's presence in science is not reflected in peer-review authorship or citations.

5 Tips For Aspiring Silicon Valley Engineers
From ACM Careers

5 Tips For Aspiring Silicon Valley Engineers

Great software engineers are hard to find, let alone hire and keep.

Behind Samsung's Push to Rule the World
From ACM Careers

Behind Samsung's Push to Rule the World

"It sounded like a toilet."

Leaner Fourier Transforms
From ACM Careers

Leaner Fourier Transforms

A new algorithm developed at MIT can separate signals into their individual frequencies using a minimal number of samples.
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