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Kansas Lawsuit: Science Education Standards Violate Religious Freedom

The battle over the adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) has flared up in a new state—Kansas.

Baseball's Beacon Trials Hint at Apple's Location Revolution
From ACM News

Baseball's Beacon Trials Hint at Apple's Location Revolution

As we neared the threshold of the gates in front of the walkway to the home of the New York Mets, a message popped up on developer Chad Evans' space-gray iPhone...

In Search of Planetary Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

In Search of Planetary Intelligence

It is said that Mahatma Gandhi, when asked about Western civilization, remarked, "I think it would be a good idea."

Privacy Entrepreneur Turns Nsa Snooping Into Profit (q&a)
From ACM Opinion

Privacy Entrepreneur Turns Nsa Snooping Into Profit (q&a)

In a double dose of irony, the National Security Agency's prying has given a big helping hand to Phil Zimmermann's business, Silent Circle.

Supercomputers Help Solve a 50-Year Homework Assignment
From ACM Careers

Supercomputers Help Solve a 50-Year Homework Assignment

Researchers at Brookhaven used supercomputers to perform calculations aimed at helping them answer the question of why the universe is made of matter.

From ACM News

Watch Out, Wall Street: Report Says Tech Is Now Nyc's Second-Largest Sector

New York City's economy has traditionally been dominated by finance, real estate, and media.

When Google Brainstorms, Online World Shudders
From ACM News

When Google Brainstorms, Online World Shudders

Is Google about to do to online privacy what body scanners did to airline travelers?

Building Disaster-Relief Phone Apps on the Fly
From ACM Careers

Building Disaster-Relief Phone Apps on the Fly

Researchers have developed new tools that allow people with minimal programming skill to rapidly build cellphone applications that can help with disaster relief...

Nsa Job Post For 'civil Liberties & Privacy Officer' Goes Live
From ACM Careers

Nsa Job Post For 'civil Liberties & Privacy Officer' Goes Live

The U.S. National Security Agency has posted an ad for a "Civil Liberties & Privacy Officer," offering critics of the NSA a well-nigh irresistible chance to play...

Forget Foreign Languages and Music. Teach Our Kids to Code
From ACM Opinion

Forget Foreign Languages and Music. Teach Our Kids to Code

J. Paul Gibson began to teach programming classes for teens out of frustration.

Ctrl-Alt-Delete Defenders Tell Bill Gates It Wasn't A Mistake
From ACM News

Ctrl-Alt-Delete Defenders Tell Bill Gates It Wasn't A Mistake

The news that Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates now says it was a mistake to long ago force Windows PC users to type "Ctrl-Alt-Delete" at start-up is getting tons...

Cache and Not Carry: Next Mars Rover to Collect Samples For Return to Earth—someday
From ACM News

Cache and Not Carry: Next Mars Rover to Collect Samples For Return to Earth—someday

Have rover, need payload. That's the state of things for NASA, which is planning to launch its next rover to Mars in 2020.

Better Technology = Better Communication? Not Necessarily
From ACM Careers

Better Technology = Better Communication? Not Necessarily

Author and communication consultant Geoffrey Tumlin shares five unrealistic expectations that have emerged during the digital communication revolution and outlines...

Professor Develops 'brain' For Robots
From ACM Careers

Professor Develops 'brain' For Robots

A Missouri S&T researcher has developed a new feedback system to remotely control mobile robots. The research could eventually lead to a robot that can learn or...

Controversial Pentagon Dna Analysis Contest Names Champion
From ACM Careers

Controversial Pentagon Dna Analysis Contest Names Champion

A DNA analysis challenge posed by the U.S. Department of Defense proved more difficult than many contestants expected, but a winner has emerged.

Meet the Machines that Steal Your Phone's Data
From ACM News

Meet the Machines that Steal Your Phone's Data

The National Security Agency's spying tactics are being intensely scrutinized following the recent leaks of secret documents. However, the NSA isn't the only U.S...

Man Controls New Prosthetic Leg ­sing Thought Alone
From ACM News

Man Controls New Prosthetic Leg ­sing Thought Alone

A man missing his lower leg has gained precise control over a prosthetic limb, just by thinking about moving it—all because his unused nerves were preserved during...

Turning Plastic Bags Into High-Tech Materials
From ACM Careers

Turning Plastic Bags Into High-Tech Materials

University of Adelaide researchers have developed a process for turning waste plastic bags into a high-tech nanomaterial.

Rising to the STEM Challenge
From ACM TechNews

Rising to the STEM Challenge

As many as 3 million jobs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics could go unfilled in the United States by 2018 because there are not enough highly...

Interstellar 8-Track: How Voyager's Vintage Tech Keeps Running
From ACM News

Interstellar 8-Track: How Voyager's Vintage Tech Keeps Running

NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has gone interstellar.
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