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2013 Chemistry Nobel Goes to Computer Modeling of Chemical Reactions
From ACM News

2013 Chemistry Nobel Goes to Computer Modeling of Chemical Reactions

What is actually happening at the atomic scale when two elements react?

Nasa Missions Struggle to Cope with Shutdown
From ACM News

Nasa Missions Struggle to Cope with Shutdown

All it took was four minutes.

Amd—yes, Amd—paves Way to Computer Server of the Future
From ACM Careers

Amd—yes, Amd—paves Way to Computer Server of the Future

Inside Mozilla’s new data center in Santa Clara, California—about an hour south of San Francisco—the machine was sitting against the wall, all by itself.

Scientists Create First Computer-Designed Superconductor
From ACM Careers

Scientists Create First Computer-Designed Superconductor

Binghamton University scientist Aleksey Kolmogorov and his international colleagues report this week on the successful synthesis of the first superconductor designed...

Want to Evade Nsa Spying? Don't Connect to the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Want to Evade Nsa Spying? Don't Connect to the Internet

Since I started working with Snowden’s documents, I have been using a number of tools to try to stay secure from the NSA.

Eight Hot It Skills For 2014
From ACM Careers

Eight Hot It Skills For 2014

While overall demand for IT professionals is expected to remain steady in 2014, there are eight hot IT skills that have the potential to reshape the hiring landscape...

In Digital Era, What Does 'watching Tv' Even Mean?
From ACM Careers

In Digital Era, What Does 'watching Tv' Even Mean?

We spend a full five hours and 16 minutes a day in front of a screen, and that's without even turning on a television.

Three Share Nobel Chemistry Prize For Complex Computer Modeling
From ACM Careers

Three Share Nobel Chemistry Prize For Complex Computer Modeling

Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt, and Arieh Warshel have won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for their development of powerful computer models used to simulate how...

The Mathematical Shape of Things to Come
From ACM News

The Mathematical Shape of Things to Come

Simon DeDeo, a research fellow in applied mathematics and complex systems at the Santa Fe Institute, had a problem.

Researchers Split Over NSA Hacking
From ACM Careers

Researchers Split Over NSA Hacking

The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has upset a great many people this year.

Google in Jeopardy: What If IBM's Watson Dethroned the King of Search?
From ACM Opinion

Google in Jeopardy: What If IBM's Watson Dethroned the King of Search?

Remember Watson, IBM's Jeopardy! champion?

Facial Recognition Is More Accurate in Photos Showing Whole Person
From ACM Careers

Facial Recognition Is More Accurate in Photos Showing Whole Person

Humans rely on non-facial cues, such as body shape and build, to identify people in challenging viewing conditions or when faces are obscured. Interestingly, people...

New Book Aims To Demystify the ­se of Algorithms in Composing Music
From ACM Careers

New Book Aims To Demystify the ­se of Algorithms in Composing Music

A new book, Algorithmic Composition, serves as a guide for musicians and computer scientists interested in learning to use algorithms to create music.

Gender Barriers, Not Families, to Blame For Shortage of Women in STEM Careers
From ACM Careers

Gender Barriers, Not Families, to Blame For Shortage of Women in STEM Careers

A new study examining the factors behind the shortage of women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields finds no evidence that women are opting...

­.S. Ranks Fourth in Internet Freedom as Surveillance Grows Worldwide
From ACM TechNews

­.S. Ranks Fourth in Internet Freedom as Surveillance Grows Worldwide

Although U.S. Internet freedom has decreased over the past year due to surveillance, the United States still ranks fourth in a recent Freedom House study of 60...

Swarm of Rivals Seeking Share of Social Media Pie
From ACM Careers

Swarm of Rivals Seeking Share of Social Media Pie

Twitter, poised to make its splashy entrance on Wall Street, has helped define modern social networking.

How Tom Clancy Changed Video Games
From ACM Opinion

How Tom Clancy Changed Video Games

The widespread mourning of Tom Clancy's death last week is clear testament to a man who managed to have a significant impact across a range of media.

Formula Predicts Research Papers' Future Citations
From ACM News

Formula Predicts Research Papers' Future Citations

It sounds like a science administrator’s dream—or a scientist's worst nightmare: a formula that predicts how often research papers will be cited.

Your Digital Trail: Does The Fourth Amendment Protect Us?
From ACM News

Your Digital Trail: Does The Fourth Amendment Protect Us?

Science fiction writers have fantasized for years about the government monitoring everything we do.

The New Digital Playbook For Learning Mandarin Chinese
From ACM Careers

The New Digital Playbook For Learning Mandarin Chinese

David Moser, the academic director at CET Beijing Chinese Studies, remembers the bad old days of Mandarin-learning methodology in the 1980s and 1990s.
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