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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

A proposal for a set of publication standards for use by the ACM

A proposal for character code compatability

The emergence of a single standard from a welter of conflicting precedents depends upon two solutions: selection or development of an adequate and logical standard, phasing out (or peaceful coexistence with) the old varieties …

A terminology proposal

It has been suggested that we need some new words in our industry. For example, consider the following two definitions of the term random access: Access to storage under conditions in which the next position from which information …

Algorithms: QuadI

Solution of polynomial equation by Bairstow-Hitchcock method

Algorithms: rootfinder

Sequential formula translation

The syntax of an algorithmic language such as ALGOL is conveniently described as a sequence of states indicated by an element called cellar. Transitions are controlled by admissible state-symbol pairs which may be represented …

Selfcipher: programming

Selfcipher is a programming system designed to provide a quasi-actual language for preparing programs automatically for large scale digital computers.

Coding isomorphisms

The coding of external symbols into symbols internal to a computer can sometimes be carried out in such a way that relevant informational properties are preserved, but in a form much more easily dealt with. A case in point is …

The basic side of tape labeling

Once an installation has determined that it would be advantageous to be able to internally identify the contents of each reel of tape on hand and to be able to check those identifications by programming, consideration is given …

Comments on a recent paper

Mr. Diran Sarafyan, in his paper “A New Method of Computation of Square Roots Without Using Divisions” (Communications, Nov. 1959) gave a way of computing square roots which converges faster than the standard Newton method. His …

Computer preparation of a poetry concordance

A concordance is an alphabetical index of the words used by a major writer, or group of writers, showing each word in its context. It is one of the basic research tools for scholars in the Humanities. Concordances are very useful …

Marriage—with problems

In Newark, New Jersey, Federal Pacific Electric Company operates a complex of modern plants producing specialized electrical equipment for construction and industry. From its assembly lines pours an assortment of packaged products …