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Communications of the ACM

Communications of the ACM

A terminology proposal

It has been suggested that we need some new words in our industry. For example, consider the following two definitions of the term random access: Access to storage under conditions in which the next position from which information is to be obtained is in no way dependent on the previous one. Feature of certain internal memory systems, particularly magnetic drum type. (In both cases the italics are the author's.) of a set of publication standards suitable for use by the Association for Computing Machinery, based on the standards adopted by the Machine Computation Committee of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. The writer, as a member of this Committee, is acting merely as agent of the Committee in presenting the following upon the request of the Editor for Standards of the ACM. This article is only a summary of the standards adopted by the AIChE; further details are contained in a pamphlet entitled “Guide to Abstracts and Manuals for Computer Program Interchange”, prepared by the Machine Computation Committee of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.1

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