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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

More views on monitor systems

The hyphen controversy


Computers and education

Programming of digital computers

On introducing digital computing

An undergraduate curriculum in numerical analysis

Logic for the computer sciences

Mechanical languages: a course specification

The place of logical design and switching theory in the computer curriculum

Status of computer sciences curricula in colleges and universities

Professional computer work for the blind

A comparison of list-processing computer languages: including a detailed comparison of COMIT, IPL-V, LISP 1.5, and SLIP

An algorithm for converting integers from base &agr; to base &bgr;

On avoiding matrix reversals between 7090 FORTRAN II and 7090 FORTRAN IV

Decimal tables to binary coded tables

Algorithm 223: Prime twins

Algorithm 224: Evaluation of determinant

Certification of algorithm 222: Incomplete beta function ratios

Certification of algorithm 182: Nonrecursive adaptive integration

Designing a computer center

Menu planning by computer

Problems in automatic abstracting

Empirical bounds for Bessel functions