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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

A proposal for input-output conventions in ALGOL 60

The ALGOL 60 language as first defined made no explicit reference to input and output processes. Such processes appeared to be quite dependent on the computer used, and so it was difficult to obtain agreement on those matters …

ASA X3.4 meeting No.33

On declaring arbitrarily coded alphabets

The inability of existing programming languages to handle character strings from more than one or two alphabets is mentioned and a scheme for declaring additional alphabets is proposed. The scheme provides for: many-to-one encodings …

An experiment in a user-oriented computer system

A version of a software-hardware system for the purpose of facilitating the programming and analysis of well-formulated problems is described. A modified Flexowriter is used to generate computer-acceptable input when equations …

Algorithm 225: Gamma function with controlled accuracy

Algorithm 226: Normal distribution function

Algorithm 227: Chebyshev polynomial coefficients

Algorithm 228: Q-Bessel functions Imacr;n(t)

Remark on algorithm 175: Shuttle sort

Algorithm 229: Elementary functions by continued fractions

Certification of algorithm 146: Multiple integration

Remarks on algorithm 91: Chebyshev curve fit

More on merging

On semantics

Certification of Algorithm 215: Shanks

A fast procedure for generating exponential random variables

A very fast method for generating exponential random variables in a digital computer is outlined.

An improved equivalence algorithm

An algorithm for assigning storage on the basis of EQUIVALENCE, DIMENSION and COMMON declarations is presented. The algorithm is based on a tree structure, and has reduced computation time by 40 percent over a previously published …

Computer-usage accounting for generalized time-sharing systems

The current development of general time-sharing systems requires a revision of accounting procedures for computer usage. Since time-sharing system users operate concurrently, it is necessary to be more precise as to the amount …

A method for comparing the internal operating speeds of computers

First, a table of frequencies of various types of operations is prepared based on experience in similar applications or, perhaps, on actual counts if these are available. Table 1 shows such a frequency table. Next, the total  …

Expand, a system for input card replication

In an effort to reduce the volume of card handling at our installation, our operating system [1] was modified to include an EXPAND feature. The function of EXPAND is to eliminate the necessity of reproducing a card or a group …

A Fortran II load-time saver

The FORTRAN II CHAIN feature on the 7090 can be used to save card-to-tape time, loading time, and to provide a convenient method for storing and transporting producting programs. The method is simply to load the desired program …

Picture generation with a standard line printer

A method is described for producing gray-toned pictures on a line printer by utilizing the different degrees of blackness of standard print characters. Gray scales with 17, 32 and 64 levels have been devised. Scanned images of …

On the recursive programming techniques

A comment

On polyphase sort

More on SLIP

More on “simple I/O” statements