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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

BROWSE BY PAGE 474 Elliott I. Organick 474 William E. Atchison 474-475 Walter F. Bauer 475 Beresford Parlett 475 Louis W. Ehrlich 475 Edward M. Rosen 475 C. D. Isaacs 475 Samuel D. Conte 475 C. W. Gear 476 Robert W. Rector 476 E. W. Verhoef 476-477 L. Bernstein 476 John A. Postely 476 Orrin E. Taulbee 476 Gloria M. Silvern 476 Bertram Raphael 477 J. H. Bryant 477 Martin Greenberger 477 Joseph W. Smith 477 Martin Greenberger 477-478 Roger V. Butler 477 Vilas D. Henderson 477 Emanuel Hayes 478 Allen Weingarten 478 David G. Hammel 478 Gerald H. Fine 478 Richard R. Linde 478 R. Hedger 478 Karl Ramsay 478 B. V. Bhimani 478 Robert M. Anderson 478 Solomon L. Pollack 478 J. Seehof 478 G. H. Kuby 479 C. V. Ramamoorthy 479-480 W. E. Farley 479 Arthur M. Rosenberg 479 James R. Oliver 480-481 Ellen R. Clark 480 D. R. Winner 480 Michael S. Skaft 480 Eugene D. Homer 480 Mark Halpern 480 George Forbes 481 J. A. Dugan 481 A. E. Roberts 481 Charles Bachman 481 Michael E. Tarter 481 Paul Hamburger 481 Joseph A. Heiner 481 David L. Parnas 481 Thomas E. Cheatham 481-482 B. A. Galler 482 Harold R. Gillette 482 Clifford J. Maloney 482 J. T. Chu 482 John Michael Williams 482 R. W. Hamming 482 K. E. Tiernan 482 Frank T. Kuhn 482 I. Holgersen 483 Robert M. Hayes 483 Samuel Kaufman 483 Allan J. Humphery 483 Juris Reinfelds 483 Martin L. Cramer 483 Christopher J. Shaw 483-484 A. R. Meetham 483 David K. Oppenheim 483 A. L. Calvery 484 Joseph Behar 484 Harold S. Corbin 484 Janice R. Lourie 484 N. G. Denil 485 L. M. Cole 485 Peter Naur 485 C. G. Veinott 486 Gerard Salton 487-490 Anthony G. Oettinger 491-496 Robert V. Head 496-499 Peter M. Neely 500-503 E. G. Coffman 503-508 John A. Boles 509-512 Allen Weingarten 513 W. A. Blankinship 514 W. A. Blankinship 514 I. D. Hill 515-518 K. C. Peng 519-521 V. G. Sigillito 521 R. D. Glautz 522-524 Richard Bellman 525-526 B. I. Blum 527-528 Reino Kurki-Suonio 529-532 T. Sterling 476 John R. Rice 478 Robert G. Scherer 480 Stephen R. Yarnall 482 John C. Alrich

Computer science in high school mathematics

Recent developments in computer science curriculum

Computer/communication systems for business

Convergence of the Q-R algorithm for Hessenberg matrices

Iterative vs. a direct method for solving fourth order elliptic difference equations

A review of quasi-Newton methods in nonlinear equation solving and unconstrained optimization

A new solution method for the determinantal equation of a matric polynomial

Numerical analysis

Numerical integration in ordinary differential equations operating under ILLIAC II time-sharing system

A 3-ring tutorial

Design of a multi-level file management system

An information system for the coordination of program design

File management

A new classification theory leading to automatic pattern recognition

Computer-assisted instruction: specification of attributes for CAI programs and programmers

Aspects and applications of symbol manipulation

GIS: its capabilities and application

Computer simulation: organization and form

Time shared scheduling

Online simulation in the OPS system

The Langley remote computing terminal system: implementation and first year's operation

Functional design of a generalized vehicle flight simulation program

A digital simulation model of a freeway diamond interchange

Analyzing a real time system

An economical electronic point-of-sale/updating system

Dynamic program behavior under paging

Operational management of time-sharing systems

A terminal operated production program (TOPP) system

A real time priority scheduler

An approach to speech synthesis and recognition on a digital computer

Management controls for effective and profitable use of EDP resources

Business data processing

Automated facilities layout program

Engineering, medical and scientific applications

The analytic design of a dynamic look-ahead and program segmenting system for multiprogrammed computers

Man/machine communications in the biological medical research environment

Program structures for the multiprogramming environment

Undergraduate student papers

On the automatic simplification of source-language programs

A technique for optimizing a function of many variables: determining the minimum energy configuration of a crystal lattice

An approximate solution to a weighted scheduling problem with multiple constraints

An algorithm for selecting and sequencing statements as a basis for a problem-oriented programming system

Symbolic processing of source language programs

An engineering simulator

A study of the utility of a hybrid associative processor

The construction of recognizers

Development in file manipulation techniques

Non-uniform key distribution and address calculation sorting

On an automated method of symbolically analyzing times of computer programs

A generalized random extract device

State table analysis of programs in an ALGOL-like language

Compiling techniques

A proposal for definitions in ALGOL

A special purpose multiprogramming system for a computer-controlled telemetry data reduction system

Multinomial acceptance sampling

Error probability in decision functions for character recognition

Design of the real-time executive for the Univac 418 system

Statistics in numerical analysis

Digital generation of continuous filtered Gaussian noise

A real-time error correcting data transmission system treated as a Markov process

Lunar orbiter command and telemetry data handling system (CTDH) at deep space stations

Information retrieval

The IBM technical information retrieval center (ITIRC) system techniques

An algorithm for retrieving indexed documents and its application

AMTRAM, a remote-terminal, conversational-mode computer system

A hybrid-oriented inter-active language

Programming languages for symbolic numeric and hybrid computation

Graph separability and word grouping

META5: A tool to manipulate strings of data

The MECCA system, a modified list processing application for library collections

Applications of computer graphics

Display-oriented computer usage system

On-line textile designing

A language and model for computer design

A short critique on communications' contents page

The science of datalogy

More on programming decision tables

On referees, reviewers and critics

A vision of technology and education

The banking information system concept

Comparison of several algorithms for computation of means, standard deviations and correlation coefficients

Interarrival statistics for time sharing systems

NEBULA: a digital computer using a 20Mc glass delay line memory

The Eschenbach drum scheme

Algorithm 287: matrix triangulation with integer arithmetic [F1]

Algorithm 288: solution of simultaneous linear Diophantine equations [F4]

Algorithm 289: confidence interval for a ratio [G1]

Computational aspects of multiple covariance analysis on a multifactor structure

A method for finding the m smallest values of a monotonic function defined on ordered sets of positive integers

Partial step integration

Quasilinearization and the calculation of eigenvalues

Free-text inputs to utility routines

On top-to-bottom recognition and left recursion

Robot data screening: a solution to multivariate type problems in the biological and social sciences

NAPSS—a numerical analysis problem-solving system

The new partnership—EDP and management valuable or violent in the 1970's

Computer aides to medical diagnosis—problems and progress

Custom design of a digital system—some case histories