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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Survey of formula manipulation

The field of formula manipulation is surveyed, with particular attention to the specific capabilities of differentiation, integration and the supporting capabilities of simplification, displays and input/output editing, and precision …

On the implementation of AMBIT, a language for symbol manipulation

A brief description is given of the implementation technique for the replacement rule of the AMBIT programming language. The algorithm for the “AMBIT scan” and an example of its application are given. The algorithm is applicable …

Computation of algebraic properties of elementary particle reactions using a digital computer

A large number of calculations in high-energy elementary particle physics involve the manipulation of complicated algebraic expressions containing both tensor and noncommutative matrix quantities. Many of these calculations take …

PM, a system for polynomial manipulation

PM is an IBM 7094 program system for formal manipulation of polynomials in any number of variables, with integral coefficients unrestricted in size. Some of the formal opeartions which can be performed by the system are sums, …

Experience with FORMAC algorithm design

Computer experiments in finite algebra

A medium-scale programming system is written in MAD and FAP on the IBM 7094 to manipulate some of the objects of modern algebra: finite groups, maps and sets of maps, subsets and sets of subsets, constant integers and truth-values …


A programming language is described which is applicable to problems conveniently described by transformation rules. By this is meant that patterns may be prescribed, each being associated with a skeleton, so that a series of  …

A programmer's description of L6

Bell Telephone Laboratories' Low-Level Linked List Language L6 (pronounced “L-six”) is a new programming language for list structure manipulations. It contains many of the facilities which underlie such list processors as IPL …

AUTOMAST: automatic mathematical analysis and symbolic translation

A procedure for numerically solving systems of ordinary differential equations is shown to also generate symbolic solutions. The procedure is based on a finite Taylor series expansion that includes an estimate of the error in …

Solutions of systems of polynomial equations by elimination

The elimination procedure as described by Williams has been coded in LISP and FORMAC and used in solving systems of polynomial equations. It is found that the method is very effective in the case of small systems, where it yields …

Symbolic factoring of polynomials in several variables

An algorithm for finding the symbolic factors of a multivariate polynomial with integer coefficients is presented. The algorithm is an extension of a technique used by Kronecker in a proof that the prime factoring of any polynomial …