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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Letters to the editor

Computer technology in communist China, 1956-1965

Based on information from translations of Communist Chinese news items and periodical literature for the 1956 through 1965 period, computer technology in China is reviewed under the following headings: (1) initial planning, organization …

Mathematics for undergraduate computer scientists

The mathematical requirements for an undergraduate program in Computer Science are a subject of debate. The Association for Computing Machinery's Curriculum Committee, however, believes that these requirements are essentially …

SIMULA: an ALGOL-based simulation language

This paper is an introduction to SIMULA, a programming language designed to provide a systems analyst with unified concepts which facilitate the concise description of discrete event systems. A system description also serves …

A final solution to the Dangling else of ALGOL 60 and related languages

The dangling else problem consists of a class of potential ambiguities in ALGOL-like conditional statements whose basic form is “if B1 then if B2 then S1 else S2” where B1 and B2 are Boolean expressions and S1 and S2 are basic …

Algorithm 290: linear equations, exact solutions

Remark on algorithm 178 [E4] direct search

Algorithm 291: logarithm of gamma function

Remarks on: algorithms 34, 54, 80, 221, and 291

Certification of algorithm 41: evaluation of determinant and algorithm 269: determinant evaluation

Certification of algorithm 251: function minimisation

Remark on algorithm 256: modified Graeffe method

Remark on algorithm 266: pseudo-random numbers

Remark on algorithm 266: psuedo-random numbers

Half rotations in N-dimensional Euclidean space

An iterative procedure is described for determining half rotations in n-dimensional Euclidean space. The method is a variant of the cyclic Jacobi procedure and utilizes elementary plane rotations to obtain the half rotation matrix …

Systematic generation of Hamiltonian circuits

For a combinatorial matrix which may specify both directed and nondirected arcs, the paper describes a computer program which generates systematically and exhaustively all the Hamiltonian circuits. Specific application is made …