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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Computing capabilities at Argentine and Chilean universities

The author reports on a trip to universities in Argentina and Chile during November 1968, describing university conditions and computing activities. As elsewhere, these universities are experiencing student discontent with the …

The MAD definition facility

One of the first definition facilities for higher level languages is described. Users of the language can define new operators and/or data types into the MAD language, so that their use appears as if they were predefined. Information …

An ALGOL-based associative language

A high level programming language for large, complex associative structures has been designed and implemented. The underlying data structure has been implemented using a hash-coding technique. The discussion includes a comparison …

Error bounds for periodic quintic splines

Explicit error bounds for periodic quintic spline interpolation are developed. The first (third) derivative of the periodic spline is shown to be a sixth (fourth) order approximation at the mesh points to the first (third) derivative …

An algorithm for Filon quadrature

An algorithm for Filon quadrature is described. Considerable attention has been devoted to an analysis of the round-off and truncation errors. The algorithm includes an automatic error control feature.

Algorithm 353: Filon quadrature [D1]

The teachable language comprehender: a simulation program and theory of language

The Teachable Language Comprehender (TLC) is a program designed to be capable of being taught to “comprehend” English text. When text which the program has not seen before is input to it, it comprehends that text by correctly …

A program for the syntactic analysis of English sentences

A program is described which produces syntactic analyses of English sentences with respect to a transformational grammar. The main features of the analyzer are that it uses only a limited dictionary of English words and that  …

ACM president's letter: “I protest”