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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

On multiprogramming, machine coding, and computer organization

The author feels that the interrupt feature which is available in most modern computers is a potent source of programming pitfalls and errors, and that it therefore may heavily contribute to the unreliability of programs making …

Compact list representation: definition, garbage collection, and system implementation

Compact lists are stored sequentially in memory, rather than chained with pointers. Since this is not always convenient, the Swym system permits a list to be chained, compact, or any combination of the two. A description is given …

A base for a mobile programming system

An algorithm for a macro processor which has been used as the base of an implementation, by bootstrapping, of processors for programming languages is described. This algorithm can be easily implemented on contemporary computing …

Algorithm 354: generator of spanning trees [H]

Remark on algorithm 251 [E4]: function minimization

Certification of algorithm 323 [G6]: generation of permutations in lexicographic order

An algorithm for finding a fundamental set of cycles of a graph

A fast method is presented for finding a fundamental set of cycles for an undirected finite graph. A spanning tree is grown and the vertices examined in turn, unexamined vertices being stored in a pushdown list to await examination …

On simulating networks of parallel processes in which simultaneous events may occur

The following resolutions were passed at the ASA X3.4 Common Programming Languages Subcommittee during the thirty-third meeting held February 20, 1964 at CEIR, Beverly Hills, California.

ACM president's letter: “tell it like it is”