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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Reflections on Ljubljana

Toward an understanding of data structures

This paper presents a notation and formalism for describing the semantics of data structures. This is based on directed graphs with named edges and transformations on these graphs. In addition, and implementation facility is  …

Experiments with an automated instructional system for numerical methods

A comer system was developed at Purdue University to teach portions of an undergraduate course in numerical methods. Each instructional unit or lesson is divided into three modes of instruction which allow the student to press …

Display procedures

Although the use of structured display files is widespread in interactive computer graphics, these structures present a number of problems which tend to restrict their generality and usefulness. This paper discusses some of these …

User program measurement in a time-shared environment

A general discussion of the measurement of software systems is followed by a description of a hardware and software scheme for measuring user programs in a time-shared environment. The TX-2 computer at MIT Lincoln Laboratory  …

Algorithm 413: ENTCAF and ENTCRE: evaluation of normalized Taylor coefficients of an analytic function

Clarification of Fortran standards—second report

In 1966, after four years of effort, Fortran became the first programming language standardized in the United States. Since that initial achievement, study and application of the standard specifications have revealed the need …

Concurrent control with “readers” and “writers”

The problem of the mutual exclusion of several independent processes from simultaneous access to a “critical section” is discussed for the case where there are two distinct classes of processes known as “readers” and “writers …