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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

On ACM goals

On ACM special interest groups and committees

This report has been written to explain the nature, purposes, and organization of the Special Interest Groups (SIGS) and Special Interest Committees (SICS) of ACM, and to summarize SIG/SIC activity during the period August 1, …

The composition of semantics in Algol 68

The main features of Algol 68 are explained from a semantic point of view. It is shown how the language permits the composition of values and actions, i.e. ultimately programs, from a minimum set of primitives with a few fundamental …

Using computers in higher education: past recommendations, status, and needs

Data from a survey conducted with National Science Foundation support, which was published in December 1970, is reviewed, and it is pointed out that, with regard to computers in higher education, national goals stated in the  …

Optimizing the polyphase sort

Various dispersion algorithms for the polyphase sorting procedure are examined. The optimum algorithm based on minimizing the total number of unit strings read is displayed. The logic of this algorithm is rather complicated;  …

Automation of etching-pattern layout

HELP (Heuristic Etching-Pattern Layout Program) is an application program developed to computerize the tedious and error-prone although vitally important wiring design of printed circuit boards. HELP helps automate a design stage …

On accurate floating-point summation

cumulation of floating-point sums is considered on a computer which performs t-digit base &bgr; floating-point addition with exponents in the range —m to M. An algorithm is given for accurately summing n t-digit floating-point numbers …

Algorithm 414: Chebyshev approximation of continuous functions by a Chebyshev system of functions

The second algorithm of Remez can be used to compute the minimax approximation to a function, ƒ(x), by a linear combination of functions, {Qi(x)}n0, which form a Chebyshev system. The only restriction on the function to be approximated …

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