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Communications of the ACM

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If you were Ed David...??

Generation of Rosary permutations expressed in Hamiltonian circuits

Systematic generation of a specific class of permutations fundamental to scheduling problems is described. In a nonoriented complete graph with n vertices, Hamiltonian circuits equivalent to 1/2(n - 1)! specific permutationsn …

An approach to the optimum design of computer graphics systems

Display system designers are faced with the difficult task of selecting major subsystems in an intelligent way. Each subsystem is chosen from large numbers of alternatives; the selection is based on considerations such as system …

Computer science: a conceptual framework for curriculum planning

Two views of computer science are considered: a global view which attempts to capture broad characteristics of the field and its relationships to other fields, and a local view which focuses on the inner structure of the field …

Numerical properties of the Ritz-Trefftz algorithm for optimal control

In this paper the Ritz-Trefftz algorithm is applied to the computer solution of the state regulator problem. The algorithm represents a modification of the Ritz direct method and is designed to improve the speed of solution and …

A note on compiling fixed point binary multiplications

An algorithm is developed for compiling, as a sequence of shifts, additions, and subtractions, many fixed point binary multiplications involving a constant. The most significant characteristics of the algorithm are the simplicity …

On the meaning of names in programming systems

It is assumed that there is a similarity of function between the data names of a programming language and the file names of an operating system. The two functions are discussed in terms of the same basic concepts in order to  …

Interrupt driven programming

This note is an extension of the ideas expressed by Morgan [1]. He suggests a new form of interrupt which he proposes to use to control the execution of a program, in his case a file management system called DPL [2]. Simply stated …

Binary summation

In discussing his binary summation method [1] Linz mentions two defects: “It is more difficult to program than the standard method, and it is difficult to use unless all numbers are available at the start of the summation.” A …

ACM 71: A quarter century view (August 3-5 1971 Chicago, IL)

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