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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

On the ACM publications board

The state of computer oriented curricula in business schools 1970

The ACM Committee on Computer Education for Management, supported by a National Science Foundation Grant, is established to appraise the state of the art and to develop a series of recommendations for improving computer education …

A programmmer training project

A project is described whose purpose is to train selected black residents of the Albany-Schenectady area in computer programming and arrange for jobs for them in the computer field. Both the organization and curriculum of the …

Simple LR(k) grammars

A class of context-free grammars, called the “Simple LR(k)” or SLR(k) grammars is defined. This class has been shown to include weak precedence and simple precedence grammars as proper subsets. How to construct parsers for the …

A language extension for graph processing and its formal semantics

A simple programming language “extension,” Graspe, for processing directed graphs is defined. Graspe consists of a type of directed graph data structure and a set of primitive operations for manipulating these structures. Graspe …

An algorithm for the blocks and cutnodes of a graph

An efficient method is presented for finding blocks and cutnodes of an arbitrary undirected graph. The graph may be represented either (i) as an ordered list of edges or (ii) as a packed adjacency matrix. If w denotes the word …

Buffer allocation in merge-sorting

A fixed buffer allocation for merge-sorting is presented here which minimizes the number of input-output operations for a given order of merge. When sorting on movable arm disks, the number of seeks is equal to the number of  …

Subexpression ordering in the execution of arithmetic expressions

An arithmetic expression can often be broken down into its component subexpressions. Depending on the hardware environment in which the expression is to be executed, these subexpressions can be evaluated in serials, in parallel …

The stable marriage problem

The original work of Gale and Shapley on an assignment method using the stable marriage criterion has been extended to find all the stable marriage assignments. The algorithm derived for finding all the stable marriage assignments …

Three procedures for the stable marriage problem

Graph plotter

Remark on algorithm 316

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