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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

On ACM professional standards and practices

Papers from the second symposium on symbolic and algebraic manipulation

Applications of symbol manipulation in theoretical physics

This paper surveys the applications of symbolic computation techniques to problems in theoretical physics. Particular emphasis is placed on applications in quantum electrodynamics where the most activity has occurred.

List tracing in systems allowing multiple cell-types

List-processing systems have each allowed the use of only a single size and configuration of list cell. In this paper a system is described which allows the use of arbitrarily many different sizes and configurations of list cells …

Algebraic simplification: a guide for the perplexed

Algebraic simplification is examined first from the point of view of a user who needs to comprehend a large expression, and second from the point of view of a designer who wants to construct a useful and efficient system. First …

Automated algebraic manipulation in celestial mechanics

In this paper we consider some of the applications of automated algebraic manipulation which have been made in celestial mechanics. Particular attention is paid to the use of Poisson series, and a typical problem in perturbation …

General relativity and the application of algebraic manipulative systems

The paper describes some applications of symbolic algebra systems to problems of general relativity including the derivation of the field equations, the Petrov classification of a metric, and the solution of the field equations …

Symbolic integration: the stormy decade

Three approaches to symbolic integration in the 1960's are described. The first, from artificial intelligence, led to Slagle's SAINT and to a large degree to Moses' SIN. The second, from algebraic manipulation, led to Manove's …

ACM forum

The Altran system for rational function manipulation — a survey

Altran is a complete system for symbolic computation with rational functions in several variables with integer coefficients. It has been designed and implemented to handle large problems with ease and efficiency. Considerable …