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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM president's letter: on the rituals of our clans

Pictorial pattern recognition and the phase problem of x-ray crystallography

The availability of interactive, three-dimensional, computer graphics systems coupled to powerful digital computers encourages the development of algorithms adapted to this environment. Pictorial pattern recognition techniques …

On shrinking binary picture patterns

A parallel processing algorithm for shrinking binary patterns to obtain single isolated elements, one for each pattern, is presented. This procedure may be used for counting patterns on a matrix, and a hardware implementation …

Use of the Hough transformation to detect lines and curves in pictures

Hough has proposed an interesting and computationally efficient procedure for detecting lines in pictures. This paper points out that the use of angle-radius rather than slope-intercept parameters simplifies the computation further …

A CRT editing system

A text-editing and manipulation program is described. The program operates from low-cost cathode-ray tube entry and display stations with keyboard and 13 function buttons. Applications, potential economy of operation, and some …

Teacher/student authored CAI using the NEWBASIC system

The pedagogical advantages of a general purpose interactive system called NEWBASIC/CATALYST are discussed. NEWBASIC/CATALYST incorporates an advanced implementation of BASIC, system-level interactive features, and a general capability …

MUSE: a model to understand simple English

MUSE is a computer model for natural language processing, based on a semantic memory network like that of Quillian's TLC. MUSE, from a Model to Understand Simple English, processes English sentences of unrestricted content but …

Quadratic programming for nonlinear regression

A quadratic programming algorithm is described for use with the magnified diagonal method of nonlinear regression with linear constraints. The regression method is published in JACM, July 1970.

Algorithm 418: calculation of Fourier integrals [D1]

The most commonly used formula for calculating Fourier integrals is Filon's formula, which is based on the approximation of the function by a quadratic in each double interval. In order to obtain a better approximation the cubic …

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