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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

A proposal for a computer-based interactive scientific community

Because of the problems created by the explosion of papers in the mathematical sciences and the drawbacks that this places on research, it is suggested that a tree of all mathematical results and terminology be maintained in  …

Preliminary report on a system for general space planning

A computer language and a set of programs within that language are described which allow the formulating and solving of a class of space planning problems. The language is an extension of Algol and includes means to represent …

Optimizing binary trees grown with a sorting algorithm

Items can be retrieved from binary trees grown with a form of the Algorithm Quicksort in an average time proportional to log n, where n is the number of items in the tree. The binary trees grown by this algorithm sometimes have …

Maximum computing power and cost factors in the centralization problem

A simple analysis of some computer-economic factors involved in comparing multimachine installations versus large single machine installations is given, and a mathematical model is derived to assist policy decisions.

Algorithm 419: zeros of a complex polynomial [C2]

The subroutine CPOLY is a Fortran program to find all the zeros of a complex polynomial by the three-stage complex algorithm described in Jenkins and Traub [4]. (An algorithm for real polynomials is given in [5].) The algorithm …

Algorithm 420: hidden-line plotting program [J6]

HIDE produces a two-dimensional representation of a surface or figure by plotting segments of a succession of curves; each curve is plotted where it is not hidden by any of the curves previously plotted (that is, where it does …

Music and computer composition

The problem discussed is that of simulating human composition of Western popular music by computer and some relevant theories of music and harmony are given. Problems with this kind of program and several schemes that are known …

ACM forum

ACM president's letter: the answer is… competence. integrity, and productivity …what is the question?