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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM president's letter: unfinished business: I

Papers from the third ACM symposium on operating systems principles

TENEX, a paged time sharing system for the PDP - 10

TENEX is a new time sharing system implemented on a DEC PDP-10 augmented by special paging hardware developed at BBN. This report specifies a set of goals which are important for any time sharing system. It describes how the  …

The design of the Venus operating system

The Venus Operating System is an experimental multiprogramming system which supports five or six concurrent users on a small computer. The system was produced to test the effect of machine architecture on complexity of software …

An operating system based on the concept of a supervisory computer

An operating system which is organized as a small supervisor and a set of independent processes are described. The supervisor handles I/O with external devices—the file and directory system—schedules active processes and manages …

A hardware architecture for implementing protection rings

Protection of computations and information is an important aspect of a computer utility. In a system which uses segmentation as a memory addressing scheme, protection can be achieved in part by associating concentric rings of …

Synchronization of communicating processes

Formalization of a well-defined synchronization mechanism can be used to prove that concurrently running processes of a system communicate correctly. This is demonstrated for a system consisting of many sending processes which …

A comparative analysis of disk scheduling policies

Five well-known scheduling policies for movable head disks are compared using the performance criteria of expected seek time (system oriented) and expected waiting time (individual I/O request oriented). Both analytical and simulation …

A study of storage partitioning using a mathematical model of locality

Both fixed and dynamic storage partitioning procedures are examined for use in multiprogramming systems. The storage requirement of programs is modeled as a stationary Gaussian process. Experiments justifying this model are described …

Properties of the working-set model

A program's working set W(t, T) at time t is the set of distinct pages among the T most recently referenced pages. Relations between the average working-set size, the missing-page rate, and the interreference-interval distribution …

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