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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM president's letter: unfinished business: II

On the implementation of security measures in information systems

The security of an information system may be represented by a model matrix whose elements are decision rules and whose row and column indices are users and data items respectively. A set of four functions is used to access this …

A system for interprocess communication in a resource sharing computer network

A system of communication between processes in a time-sharing system is described and the communication system is extended so that it may be used between processes distributed throughout a computer network. The hypothetical application …

An experimental laboratory for pattern recognition and signal processing

An interactive computer-controlled scanning and display system has been in operation at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center for three years. The system includes two flying-spot scanners and a TV camera specially interfaced …

Hidden lines elimination for a rotating object

A method is presented of determining which parts of three-dimensional objects are visible and which are invisible when the objects are rotated about some axis. This paper describes a polygon comparison scheme in which the relationships …

An implemented graph algorithm for winning Shannon Switching Games

In this tutorial paper a computer program which wins Shannon Switching Games is described. Since these games are played on graphs, the program is a good example of the implementation of graph algorithms. The two players in a  …

Computers and society: a proposed course for computer scientists

The purpose of this paper is to describe a course concerned with both the effects of computers on society and the responsibilities of computer scientists to society. The impact of computers is divided into five components: political …

Complex gamma function with error control

An algorithm to compute the gamma function and the loggamma function of a complex variable is presented. The standard algorithm is modified in several respects to insure the continuity of the function value and to reduce accumulation …

Matrix computations with Fortran and paging

The efficiency of conventional Fortran programs for matrix computations can often be improved by reversing the order of nested loops. Such modifications produce modest savings in many common situations and very significant savings …

Algorithm 421: complex gamma function with error control [S14]

This Fortran program computes either the gamma function or the loggamma function of a complex variable in double precision. In addition, it provides an error estimate of the computed answer. The calling sequences are: CALL CDLGAM …

Algorithm 422: minimal spanning tree [H]

This algorithm generates a spanning tree of minimal total edge length for an undirected graph specified by an array of inter-node edge lengths using a technique suggested by Dijkstra [1]. Execution time is proportional to the …

A note on Cheney's nonrecursive list-compacting algorithm

A note on Cheney's nonrecursive list-compacting algorithm

Cheney's list-compacting algorithm [1] goes into an infinite loop when it traces a circular list consisting exclusively of non-items. While it may be reasonable to say that such lists should not exist, it would be very difficult …

A comment on the double-chained tree

In 1963, Sussenguth [8] suggested that a file should be organized as a double-chained tree for searching and updating. Patt [5] then obtained the optimum double-chained tree under the assumption that no key may prefix another …

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