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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM president's letter: unfinished business: III

An improved index sequential access method using hashed overflow

The Index Sequential Access Method (ISAM) is one of the most important file management systems used with moveable head disk devices. This study investigates the use of an unconventional method of treating overflow records. The …

The Multics virtual memory: concepts and design

As experience with use of on-line operating systems has grown, the need to share information among system users has become increasingly apparent. Many contemporary systems permit some degree of sharing. Usually, sharing is accomplished …

MUX, a simple approach to on-line computing

An on-line system operating as part of a normal batch system for the CDC 6600 computer is described. The system, which required one man-year for initial software implementation, although basically simple, provides the necessary …

A technique for software module specification with examples

This paper presents an approach to writing specifications for parts of software systems. The main goal is to provide specifications sufficiently precise and complete that other pieces of software can be written to interact with …

Implementing Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature, I methodology and experience

Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature is a particularly important automatic quadrature scheme for a variety of reasons, especially the high accuracy obtained from relatively few integrand values. However, it has received little use because …

Implementing Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature, II computing the cosine transformation

In a companion paper to this, “I Methodology and Experiences,” the automatic Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature scheme was described and how each quadrature formula used in the scheme requires a cosine transformation of the integrand …

Fast finite-difference solution of biharmonic problems

Setting the Reynolds number equal to zero, in a method for solving the Navier-Stokes equations numerically, results in a fast numerical method for biharmonic problems. The equation is treated as a system of two second order equations …

Minimax nonlinear approximation by approximation on subsets

A possible algorithm for minimax approximation on an infinite set X consists in choosing a sequence of finite point sets {Xk} which fill out X and taking a limit of minimax approximations on Xk as k → ∞. Such a procedure is considered …

The optimality of Winograd's formula

Algorithm 424: Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature [D1]

Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature is one of the most effective automatic quadrature schemes available, particularly for integrands with some continuous derivatives. It can also be used for any piecewise continuous integrand, although …

Algorithm 425: generation of random correlated normal variables [G5]

We have programmed and made timing comparisons for two algorithms which sample the multivariate normal density N(&mgr;, V) = |V-1|/(2&pgr;)n/2·exp(- 1/2(Y - &mgr;)T V-1(Y - &mgr;)) (1) where V is an n X n covariance matrix, &mgr; is an n component …

Merge sort algorithm [M1]

Sorting by means of a two-way merge has a reputation of requiring a clerically complicated and cumbersome program. This ALGOL 60 procedure demonstrates that, using recursion, an elegant and efficient algorithm can be designed …

Algorithm 427: Fourier cosine integral [D1]

Algorithm 428: Hu-Tucker minimum redundancy alphabetic coding method [Z]

This algorithm implements the Hu-Tucker method of variable length, minimum redundancy alphabetic binary encoding [1]. The symbols of the alphabet are considered to be an ordered forest of n terminal nodes. Two nodes in an ordered …

Curriculum recommendations for graduate professional programs in information systems

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