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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM president's letter: austerity

In memory of George E. Forsythe

George Forsythe and the development of computer science

Generating parsers for affix grammars

Affix grammars are two-level grammars which are similar to van Wijngaarden's two-level grammars used in the definition of Algol 68. Affix grammars are shown by Koster to be equal in power to van Wijngaarden grammars. They are …

Political redistricting by computer

The problems of political redistricting are considered and a computer method for redistricting is presented. Criteria for acceptable redistricting are discussed, including population equality, compactness, contiguity, and preservation …

An extensible editor for a small machine with disk storage

A design philosophy for developing a sophisticated utility program is illustrated by the actual design and implementation of a text editor. A versatile data structure is employed so that only a small number of programmed subroutines …

An environment for research in microprogramming and emulation

The development of the research project in microprogramming and emulation at State University of New York at Buffalo consisted of three phases: the evaluation of various possible machines to support this research; the decision …

A model of memory contention in a paging machine

This paper is concerned with certain aspects of contention for main memory resources in a multiprogrammed computer system operating under demand paging. In the model presented, the number of page-frames of main memory allocated …

Compiling fixed-point multiplications

With reference to the article by H. T. Gladwin [1], (Comm.) it should be noted that the technique described is a limited subset of techniques known for many years, particularly to programmers for machines lacking an integer multiply …

Comment on the composition of semantics in Algol 68

A bonus from van Wijngaarden's device

In [1] van Wijngaarden presented a rather remarkable technique for rewriting ALGOL 60 programs to eliminate all labels. The purpose of this note is to point out that the rewriting would also eliminate the use of array returning …

Comment on average binary search length

A note on the generation of rosary permutations

Harada [1] has given a method of generating rosary permutations, and of associating an integer with each such permutation in a one-to-one manner. In this note we show that both these ends can be achieved more easily than by Harada's …

Localization of the roots of a polynomial [C2]

Immediate predominators in a directed graph [H]

We assume a directed graph whose nodes are labeled by integers between 1 and n. The arcs of this graph correspond to the flow of control between blocks of a computer program. The initial node of this graph (corresponding to the …