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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Cellular arrays for the solution of graph problems

A cellular array is a two-dimensional, checkerboard type interconnection of identical modules (or cells), where each cell contains a few bits of memory and a small amount of combinational logic, and communicates mainly with its …

File organization: the consecutive retrieval property

The consecutive retrieval property is an important relation between a query set and record set. Its existence enables the design of an information retrieval system with a minimal search time and no redundant storage. Some important …

A new approach to automatic scanning of contour maps

The problem of automatic digitizing of contour maps is discussed. The structure of a general contour map is analyzed, and its topological properties are utilized in developing a new scanning algorithm. The problem of detection …

Automatic error analysis for determining precision

The problem considered is that of evaluating a rational expression to within any desired tolerance on a computer which performs variable-precision floating-point arithmetic operations. For example, the expression might be &pgr;/(&pgr; …

Algorithm 431: A computer routine for quadratic and linear programming problems [H]

Solution of the matrix equation AX + XB = C [F4]

Thinning algorithms on rectangular, hexagonal, and triangular arrays

In this report three thinning algorithms are developed: one each for use with rectangular, hexagonal, and triangular arrays. The approach to the development of each algorithm is the same. Pictorial results produced by each of …

A comparison of floating point summation methods

In the June 1970 issue of Communications, Linz [1] proposed a method of pairwise summing of numbers to reduce accumulated roundoff error. Linz compared his method with only a simple recursive summation. The Linz method should …

The eigenproblem of block tridiagonal matrices

Comment on deadlock preventive method

A controller for a braille terminal

Anderson and Rogers [1] have described a set of modifications which convert a standard model 33 tele-type into a device which produces embossed braille characters. Thus, blind computer users can communicate with a computer without …

On Foster's information storage and retrieval using AVL trees

Foster [2] has proposed a method of constructing an AVL tree with depth (height) h and the number of items N being fixed and with the weighted sum of the items a maximum. The purpose of this note is to show that this method does …

ACM forum

ACM president's letter: the “A” in ACM is for association, not American