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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Letter from the Past President

A problem-list of issues concerning computers and public policy

A new integration algorithm for ordinary differential equations based on continued fraction approximations

A new integration algorithm is found, and an implementation is compared with other programmed algorithms. The new algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for solving the initial value problem in ordinary differential equations. …

A precise numerical analysis program

A description is given of a program for computing the solution to a small number of standard numerical analysis problems to any specified accuracy, up to a limit of 2000 correct decimal places. Each computed number is bounded …

An interactive graphic display for region partitioning by linear programming

Using linear programming, an interactive graphic display system has been implemented to solve the region design problem of partitioning a region into N nonoverlapping subregions in such a way that their areas are in specified …

The equivalence of reducing transition languages and deterministic languages

The class of reducing transition languages introduced by Eickel, Paul, Bauer, and Samelson was shown by Morris to be a proper superclass of the simple precedence languages. In this paper this result is extended, showing that, …

Algorithm 483: Masked three-dimensional plot program with rotations

PLOT3D will accept three-dimensional data in various forms, rotate it in three-space, and plot the projection of the resulting figure onto the x-y plane. Those lines or portions of lines which should be hidden by previous lines …

Algorithm 484: Evaluation of the modified Bessel functions K0(Z) and K1(Z)for complex arguments

Algorithm 485: Computation of g-splines via a factorization method

A first order approximation to the optimum checkpoint interval

To avoid having to restart a job from the beginning in case of random failure, it is standard practice to save periodically sufficient information to enable the job to be restarted at the previous point at which information was …

Extending the infomation theory approach to converting limited-entry decision tables to computer programs

This paper modifies an earlier algorithm for converting decision tables into flowcharts which minimize subsequent execution time when compiled into a computer program. The algorithms considered in this paper perform limited search …

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