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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM president's letter: ACM publications

Computer networks in higher education: socio-economic-political factors

This study presents the results of a nationwide survey of computer networks in higher education conducted during 1971-73. Five major and 18 minor networks were identified. The five major networks included: the ARPA Net, the California …

The Dilogarithm function of a real argument [S22]

The dilogarithm function [1-3], defined by Li2(x) = - ∫x0 (1/z) ln (1 - z) dz, (1) occurs in several different applications in physics and engineering, ranging from quantum electrodynamics, to network analysis, to the thermodynamics …

On maintenance of the opportunity list for class-teacher timetable problems

One of the principal components of procedures for the solution of class-teacher timetable problems is that for maintenance of the opportunity list. Opportunity list maintenance methods are based on necessary conditions for the …

The synthesis of solids bounded by many faces

A technique is presented which allows a class of solid objects to be synthesized and stored using a computer. Synthesis begins with primitive solids like a cube, wedge, or cylinder. Any solid can be moved, scaled, or rotated. …

The quadratic hash method when the table size is not a prime number

Previous work on quadratic hash methods is limited mainly to the case where the table size is a prime number. Here, certain results are derived for composite numbers. It is shown that all composite numbers containing at least …

A modification of Warshall's algorithm for the transitive closure of binary relations

An algorithm is given for computing the transitive closure of a binary relation that is represented by a Boolean matrix. The algorithm is similar to Warshall's although it executes faster for sparse matrices on most computers …

An algorithm for locating adjacent storage blocks in the buddy system

A simple scheme for the determination of the location of a block of storage relative to other blocks is described. This scheme is applicable to the buddy type storage allocation systems.

A comparison of simulation event list algorithms

Four algorithms are considered which can be used to schedule events in a general purpose discrete simulation system. Two of the algorithms are new, one is based on an end-order tree structure for event notices, and another uses …

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